JAJSSJ5 December 2023 DRV8234
The principle of this stall detection scheme relies on the fact that motor current increases during stall conditions as shown in Figure 8-2. The DRV8234 compares the voltage on the IPROPI pin to the voltage on the VREF pin to determine whether a stall condition has occurred. The TINRUSH register sets the timing, tINRUSH, so the DRV8234 ignores the inrush current at motor startup. The SMODE pin configures how the DRV8234 responds to a stall condition. The IMODE pin configures whether the device regulates current during inrush and stall currents. When a stall condition occures, nFAULT pin becomes low and the appropriate registers indicate stall to the microcontroller using the I2C pins. Section 7.3.5 provides all the details for configuring the stall detection feature.