JAJSSJ5 December 2023 DRV8234
If the die temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown temperature threshold (TTSD), all FETs in the H-bridge are disabled, TSD and FAULT bits become 1b, and nFAULT is pulled low. The TSD_MODE bit programs the response of the device to overtemperature event. The device can either latch-off or perform automatic retry to recover from overtemperature.
In automatic retry mode, normal operation will resume (driver operation starts, nFAULT is released and FAULT bit changes to 0b) when the junction temperature falls below the overtemperature threshold limit minus the hysteresis (TTSD – THYS). The TSD bit remains at 1b indicating that a thermal shutdown event occurred until a CLR_FLT command is issued.
In latch-off mode, once the overtemperature condition is removed, normal operation resumes after sending a CLR_FLT command, or a power cycling.