JAJSQT9A November 2023 – March 2024 DRV8242-Q1
This state occurs when nSLEEP pin is asserted low for a time > tSLEEP or voltage on the VDD pin is < VDDPOR_FALL.
This is the deep sleep low power (ISLEEP) state of the device where all functions except a wake-up command are not serviced. The drivers are in Hi-Z. The internal power supply rails (5 V and others) are powered off. nFAULT pin is de-asserted in this state. The device can enter this state from either the STANDBY or the ACTIVE state, when the nSLEEP pin is asserted low for time longer than tSLEEP (HW variant) or for tSLEEP_SPI (SPI (S) variant).