JAJSQT9A November 2023 – March 2024 DRV8242-Q1
The SR pin (HW variant) or S_SR bits in the CONFIG3 register (SPI variant) determines the voltage slew rate of the driver output. This enables the user to optimize the PWM switching losses while meeting the EM conformance requirements. For the HW variant, SR is a 6-level setting, while the SPI variant has 8 settings. For an inductive load, the slew rate control of the device depends on whether the recirculation path is through the high-side path to VM or through the low-side path to GND. Refer to the switching parameters table for in the Electrical Characteristics section for the slew rate range and values.
In the HW variant, the SR pin is latched during device initialization following power-up or wake-up from sleep. Update during operation is blocked.
In the SPI variant, the slew rate setting can be changed at any time when SPI communication is available by writing to the S_SR bits. This change is immediately reflected.