JAJSHP7D May 2015 – July 2019 DRV8305-Q1
The DRV8305-Q1 integrates a 50-mA, LDO voltage regulator (VREG) that is dedicated for driving external loads such as an MCU directly. The VREG regulator also supplies the reference for the SDO output of the SPI bus and the voltage reference for the amplifier output bias. The three different DRV8305-Q1 device versions provide different configurations for the VREG output. For the DRV83053Q, the VREG output is regulated at 3.3 V. For the DRV83055Q, the VREG output is regulated at 5 V. For the DRV8305NQ and DRV8305NE, the VREG voltage regulator is disabled (VREG pin used for reference voltage) and the reference voltage for SDO and the amplifier output bias must be supplied from an external supply to the VREG pin.
The DRV8305-Q1 VREG voltage regulator also features a PWRGD pin to protect against brownouts on externally driven devices. The PWRGD pin is often tied to the reset pin of a microcontroller to ensure that the microcontroller is always reset when the VREG output voltage is outside of its recommended operation area.
When the voltage output of the VREG regulator drops or exceeds the set threshold (programmable).
The voltage regulator also has undervoltage protection implemented for both the input voltage (PVDD) and output voltage (VREG).