JAJSPT0 February 2023 DS160PR1601
Legend | ||||
Ground | Power | IOs, RSVD /NC | Differential Input | Differential Output |
NO. | NAME | ||
A1 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
A35 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
B12 | RSVD8 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
B16 | RSVD7 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
B19 | GND | Ground | Ground |
B23 | A_ADDR0_7-0 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
B25 | B_ADDR0_7-0 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
B28 | SDA | Input /Output | 3.3 V SMBus/I2C data IO pin SDA. External 1 kΩ to 5 kΩ pullup resistor is required as per SMBus / I2C interface standard. The device can alter between SMBus/I2C primary and secondary mode through exercising MODE pin. |
B3 | RSVD11 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
B31 | SCL | Input /Output | 3.3 V SMBus/I2C clock IO pin SCL. External 1 kΩ to 5 kΩ pullup resistor is required as per SMBus / I2C interface standard. The device can alter between SMBus/I2C primary and secondary mode through exercising MODE pin. |
B6 | RSVD10 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
B9 | RSVD9 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
C2 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
C34 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
D1 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
D35 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
E11 | RSVD13 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
E14 | GND | Ground | Ground |
E18 | RSVD14 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
E27 | GND | Ground | Ground |
E30 | GND | Ground | Ground |
E33 | GND | Ground | Ground |
E8 | RSVD12 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
F2 | RSVD3 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
F34 | B_ADDR1_7-0 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
G1 | A_ADDR1_7-0 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
G35 | RSVD4 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
H12 | GND | Ground | Ground |
H16 | GND | Ground | Ground |
H19 | GND | Ground | Ground |
H31 | GND | Ground | Ground |
J22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
J4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
K2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
K34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
L1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
L35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
M26 | A_PETp0 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 0, positive |
M7 | B_PETn0 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 0, negative |
N2 | A_PERp0 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 0, positive |
N34 | B_PERn0 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 0, negative |
P10 | B_PETp0 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 0, positive |
P29 | A_PETn0 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 0, negative |
R1 | A_PERn0 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 0, negative |
R35 | B_PERp0 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 0, positive |
T13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
T17 | VCC1 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
T20 | VCC1 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
T22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
T32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
T4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
U2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
U34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
V1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
V35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
W26 | A_PETp1 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 1, positive |
W7 | B_PETn1 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 1, negative |
Y2 | A_PERp1 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 1, positive |
Y34 | B_PERn1 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 1, negative |
AA10 | B_PETp1 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 1, positive |
AA29 | A_PETn1 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 1, negative |
AB1 | A_PERn1 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 1, negative |
AB35 | B_PERp1 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 1, positive |
AC13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AC17 | VCC1 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
AC20 | VCC1 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
AC22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AC32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AC4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AD2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AD34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AE1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AE35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AF26 | A_PETp2 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 2, positive |
AF7 | B_PETn2 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 2, negative |
AG2 | A_PERn2 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 2, negative |
AG34 | B_PERp2 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 2, positive |
AH10 | B_PETp2 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 2, positive |
AH29 | A_PETn2 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 2, negative |
AJ1 | A_PERp2 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 2, positive |
AJ35 | B_PERn2 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 2, negative |
AK13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AK17 | VCC1 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
AK20 | VCC1 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
AK22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AK32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AK4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AL2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AL34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AM1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AM35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AN26 | A_PETp3 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 3, positive |
AN7 | B_PETn3 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 3, negative |
AP2 | A_PERn3 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 3, negative |
AP34 | B_PERp3 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 3, positive |
AR10 | B_PETp3 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 3, positive |
AR29 | A_PETn3 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 3, negative |
AT1 | A_PERp3 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 3, positive |
AT35 | B_PERn3 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 3, negative |
AU13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AU17 | VCC1 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
AU20 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
AU22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AU32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AU4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AV2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AV34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AW1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AW35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
AY26 | A_PETp4 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 4, positive |
AY7 | B_PETn4 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 4, negative |
BA2 | A_PERp4 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 4, positive |
BA34 | B_PERn4 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 4, negative |
BB10 | B_PETp4 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 4, positive |
BB29 | A_PETn4 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 4, negative |
BC1 | A_PERn4 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 4, negative |
BC35 | B_PERp4 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 4, positive |
BD13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BD17 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
BD20 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
BD22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BD32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BD4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BE2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BE34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BF1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BF35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BG26 | A_PETp5 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 5, positive |
BG7 | B_PETn5 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 5, negative |
BH2 | A_PERp5 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 5, positive |
BH34 | B_PERn5 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 5, negative |
BJ10 | B_PETp5 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 5, positive |
BJ29 | A_PETn5 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 5, negative |
BK1 | A_PERn5 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 5, negative |
BK35 | B_PERp5 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 5, positive |
BL13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BL17 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
BL20 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
BL22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BL32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BL4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BM2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BM34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BN1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BN35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BP26 | A_PETp6 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 6, positive |
BP7 | B_PETn6 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 6, negative |
BR2 | A_PERn6 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 6, negative |
BR34 | B_PERp6 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 6, positive |
BT10 | B_PETp6 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 6, positive |
BT29 | A_PETn6 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 6, negative |
BU1 | A_PERp6 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 6, positive |
BU35 | B_PERn6 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 6, negative |
BV13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BV17 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
BV20 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
BV22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BV32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BV4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BW2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BW34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BY1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
BY35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CA26 | A_PETp7 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 7, positive |
CA7 | B_PETn7 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 7, negative |
CB2 | A_PERn7 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 7, negative |
CB34 | B_PERp7 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 7, positive |
CC10 | B_PETp7 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 7, positive |
CC29 | A_PETn7 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 7, negative |
CD1 | A_PERp7 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 7, positive |
CD35 | B_PERn7 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 7, negative |
CE13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CE17 | VCC2 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
CE20 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
CE22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CE32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CE4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CF2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CF34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CG1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CG35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CH26 | A_PETp8 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 8, positive |
CH7 | B_PETn8 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 8, negative |
CJ2 | A_PERp8 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 8, positive |
CJ34 | B_PERn8 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 8, negative |
CK10 | B_PETp8 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 8, positive |
CK29 | A_PETn8 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 8, negative |
CL1 | A_PERn8 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 8, negative |
CL35 | B_PERp8 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 8, positive |
CM13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CM17 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
CM20 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
CM22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CM32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CM4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CN2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CN34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CP1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CP35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CR26 | A_PETp9 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 9, positive |
CR7 | B_PETn9 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 9, negative |
CT2 | A_PERp9 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 9, positive |
CT34 | B_PERn9 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 9, negative |
CU10 | B_PETp9 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 9, positive |
CU29 | A_PETn9 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 9, negative |
CV1 | A_PERn9 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 9, negative |
CV35 | B_PERp9 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 9, positive |
CW13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CW17 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
CW20 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
CW22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CW32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CW4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CY2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
CY34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DA1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DA35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DB26 | A_PETp10 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 10, positive |
DB7 | B_PETn10 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 10, negative |
DC2 | A_PERn10 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 10, negative |
DC34 | B_PERp10 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 10, positive |
DD10 | B_PETp10 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 10, positive |
DD29 | A_PETn10 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 10, negative |
DE1 | A_PERp10 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 10, positive |
DE35 | B_PERn10 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 10, negative |
DF13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DF17 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
DF20 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
DF22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DF32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DF4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DG2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DG34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DH1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DH35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DJ26 | A_PETp11 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 11, positive |
DJ7 | B_PETn11 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 11, negative |
DK2 | A_PERn11 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 11, negative |
DK34 | B_PERp11 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 11, positive |
DL10 | B_PETp11 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 11, positive |
DL29 | A_PETn11 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 11, negative |
DM1 | A_PERp11 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 11, positive |
DM35 | B_PERn11 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 11, negative |
DN13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DN17 | VCC3 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
DN20 | VCC4 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
DN22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DN32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DN4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DP2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DP34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DR1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DR35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DT26 | A_PETp12 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 12, positive |
DT7 | B_PETn12 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 12, negative |
DU2 | A_PERp12 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 12, positive |
DU34 | B_PERn12 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 12, negative |
DV10 | B_PETp12 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 12, positive |
DV29 | A_PETn12 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 12, negative |
DW1 | A_PERn12 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 12, negative |
DW35 | B_PERp12 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 12, positive |
DY13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DY17 | VCC4 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
DY20 | VCC4 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
DY22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DY32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
DY4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EA2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EA34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EB1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EB35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EC26 | A_PETp13 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 13, positive |
EC7 | B_PETn13 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 13, negative |
ED2 | A_PERp13 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 13, positive |
ED34 | B_PERn13 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 13, negative |
EE10 | B_PETp13 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 13, positive |
EE29 | A_PETn13 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 13, negative |
EF1 | A_PERn13 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 13, negative |
EF35 | B_PERp13 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 13, positive |
EG13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EG17 | VCC4 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
EG20 | VCC4 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
EG22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EG32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EG4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EH2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EH34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EJ1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EJ35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EK26 | A_PETp14 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 14, positive |
EK7 | B_PETn14 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 14, negative |
EL2 | A_PERn14 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 14, negative |
EL34 | B_PERp14 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 14, positive |
EM10 | B_PETp14 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 14, positive |
EM29 | A_PETn14 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 14, negative |
EN1 | A_PERp14 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 14, positive |
EN35 | B_PERn14 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 14, negative |
EP13 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EP17 | VCC4 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
EP20 | VCC4 | Power | 3.3 V Supply Voltage |
EP22 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EP32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EP4 | GND | Ground | Ground |
ER2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
ER34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
ET1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
ET35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
EU26 | A_PETp15 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 15, positive |
EU7 | B_PETn15 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 15, negative |
EV2 | A_PERn15 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 15, positive |
EV34 | B_PERp15 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 15, positive |
EW10 | B_PETp15 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel B, lane 15, negative |
EW29 | A_PETn15 | Diff Output | Differential transmit signal, channel A, lane 15, negative |
EY1 | A_PERp15 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel A, lane 15, positive |
EY35 | B_PERn15 | Diff Input | Differential receive signal, channel B, lane 15, negative |
FA15 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FA32 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FB2 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FB34 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FC19 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FC23 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FC25 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FC28 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FC3 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FC6 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FC9 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FD1 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FD35 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FE2 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
FE34 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
FF11 | RSVD2 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
FF14 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FF18 | RSVD6 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
FF21 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FF24 | MODE | Input |
5-level input strap pin. Sets device control configuration modes. The pin can be exercised at device power up or in normal operation mode. L1: SMBus/I2C Primary Mode - device control configuration is read from external EEPROM. When the device has finished reading from the EEPROM successfully, it will drive the ALL_DONE_N pin LOW. SMBus/I2C secondary operation is available in this mode before, during or after EEPROM reading. Note during EEPROM reading if the external SMBus/I2C primary wants to access the device registers it must support arbitration. To set the pin for L1 pull-down with 2.062 kΩ±10% resistor. L2: SMBus/I2C Secondary Mode – device control configuration is done by an external controller with SMBus/I2C primary. To set the pin for L1 pull-down with 18.75 kΩ±10% resistor. L0, L3 and L4: RESERVED – TI internal test modes. |
FF27 | ALL_DONE# | Output |
EEPROM loading is done. Active low 3.3 V open drain output pin. The pin can be left unconnected. In SMBus/I2C Primary Mode: Indicates the completion of a valid EEPROM register load operation. External pullup resistor such as 4.7 kΩ required for operation.
In SMBus/I2C secondary: The pin is High-Z. |
FF30 | B_ADDR1_15-8 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
FF33 | PD_3-0 | Input | 3.3 V LVCMOS input. Implements device power-down /reset according to Table 7-1. |
FF5 | A_ADDR0_15-8 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
FF8 | PD_15-12 | Input | 3.3 V LVCMOS input. Implements device power-down /reset according to Table 7-1. |
FG1 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
FG35 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
FH2 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
FH34 | N/C | — | No internal connection. |
FJ12 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FJ16 | RSVD5 | — | Reserved for future use. No internal connection. |
FJ19 | GND | Ground | Ground |
FJ23 |
Input |
TI internal use. Leave unconnected. |
FJ25 | READ_EN_# | Input |
Initiate EEPROM load. Active low 3.3 V LVCMOS input.. In SMBus/I2C Primary Mode: After device power up, when the pin is low, it initiates the EEPROM read function. Once EEPROM read is complete (indicated by ALL_DONE# asserted low), this pin can be held low for normal device operation. During the EEPROM load process the device’s signal path is disabled. In SMBus/I2C Secondary: In these modes the pin is not used. The pin can be left floating. The pin has internal 1-MΩ weak pulldown resistor. |
FJ28 | B_ADDR0_15-8 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
FJ3 | A_ADDR1_15-8 | Input | 5-level input strap pins as defined in Table 7-5. Sets SMBus/I2C secondary address according to Table 7-1 and Table 7-3. |
FJ31 | PD_7-4 | Input | 3.3 V LVCMOS input. Implements device power-down /reset according to Table 7-1. |
FJ6 | PD_11-8 | Input | 3.3 V LVCMOS input. Implements device power-down /reset according to Table 7-1. |
FJ9 |
Input |
TI internal use. Leave unconnected. |