JAJSGD1B October 2018 – December 2018 INA901-SP
This region of operation provides the highest accuracy. Here, the input offset voltage is characterized and measured using a two-step method. First, the gain is determined by Equation 1.
Then the offset voltage is measured at VSENSE = 100 mV and referred to the input (RTI) of the current shunt monitor, as shown in Equation 2.
In the Typical Characteristics section, the Output Error vs Common-Mode Voltage curve (Figure 6) shows the highest accuracy for the this region of operation. In this plot, VS = 12 V; for VCM ≥ 12 V, the output error is at its minimum. This case is also used to create the VSENSE ≥ 20-mV output specifications in the Electrical Characteristics table.