JAJSJQ3E August 2021 – February 2023 ISO6760 , ISO6761 , ISO6762 , ISO6763
To help ensure reliable operation at data rates and supply voltages, a 0.1-μF bypass capacitor is recommended at the input and output supply pins (VCC1 and VCC2). The capacitors should be placed as close to the supply pins as possible. If only a single primary-side power supply is available in an application, isolated power can be generated for the secondary-side with the help of a transformer driver. For industrial applications, please use Texas Instruments' SN6501 or SN6505B. For such applications, detailed power supply design and transformer selection recommendations are available in SN6501 Transformer Driver for Isolated Power Supplies or SN6505B-Q1 Low-noise, 1-A Transformer Drivers for Isolated Power Supplies.