The SCI has the following features:
- Standard universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) communication
- Supports full- or half-duplex operation
- Standard non-return to zero (NRZ) format
- Double-buffered receive and transmit functions in compatibility mode
- Supports two individually enabled interrupt lines: level 0 and level 1
- Configurable frame format of 3 to 13 bits per character based on the following:
- Data word length programmable from one to eight bits
- Additional address bit in address-bit mode
- Parity programmable for zero or one parity bit, odd or even parity
- Stop programmable for one or two stop bits
- Asynchronous or iso-synchronous communication modes with no CLK pin
- Two multiprocessor communication formats allow communication between more than two devices
- Sleep mode is available to free CPU resources
during multiprocessor communication and then wake up to receive an incoming
- Capability to use Direct Memory Access (DMA) for transmit and receive data
- Five error flags and Seven status flags provide detailed information regarding SCI events
- Two external pins: RS232_RX and RS232_TX
- Multi-buffered receive and transmit units