JAJSGO3C december 2018 – july 2023 LDC5072-Q1
Input Supply | ||||||
VCCRamp | Allowed VCC ramp up rate | 0.17 | 100e6 | V/s | ||
CEXT_VCC | External VCC decoupling capacitor range | 80 | 100 | nF | ||
Internal LDO Regulator VREG | ||||||
VVREG | Internal LDO output voltage | 3.15 | 3.3 | 3.6 | V | |
VPOR_VREG_UTH | VREG power-on upper threshold | 3.15 | ||||
VPOR_VREG_LTH | VREG power-on lower thershold | 2.91 | ||||
ILOAD_REG_EXT | Maximum external load on VREG (used for setting voltage on AGC_EN pin externally) (Information Only) | 1 | mA | |||
ILIM_VREG | VREG current limit | 40 | 90 | |||
CEXT_VREG | External VREG decoupling capacitor | 180 | 2000 | nF | ||
Signal Path | ||||||
ErrINL | Integral Non-Linearity error(3) of the signal path transfer function for each channel measured as: Maximum % deviation of output from a best fit line through measured outputs when input is swept from minium to maximum value. |
For static inputs; VCC=5V; -3.5V ≤( VOUTxP-VOUTxN) ≤ 3.5V | 1% | 2.5 | % | |
tPROP_CH | Propagation Delay through receive stage at room temperature. | Measured as zero crossing of diffrential input (INx) to zero crossing of differential output (OUTx) COUT on each pin = 10nF |
3.3 | 4.6 | μs | |
Propagation Delay through receive stage across temperature (-40℃ to 160℃). | 3 | 5 | ||||
tPROP_DIFF | Propagation Delay difference between two channels across temperature | Measured as delay between the zero crossings of the diffrential outputs. | 500 | ns | ||
VOUT_SE | Difference between single ended outputs calculated at VOUT0P-VOUT1P | Measured for static inputs only for VCC=5V; -1.75V ≤( VOUT0P-VOUT1P) ≤ 1.75V | 50 | 65 | mV | |
VOUT_DIFF | Difference between differential output calculated as (VOUT0P-VOUT0N) - (VOUT1P-VOUT1N) at room temperature | Measured for static inputs only for VCC=5V; -3.5V ≤( VOUTxP-VOUTxN) ≤ 3.5V | 100 | mV | ||
VOUT_DIFF_TC | Deviation of VOUT_DIFF at -40℃ from room temperature | 20 | ||||
Deviation of VOUT_DIFF at 160℃ from room temperature | 38 | |||||
GMIS_SIG_PATH | Gain mismatch between Channel 1 and Channel 2 signal path calculated as (Gainout1-Gainout0)/((Gainout1+Gainout0)*0.5)(2) | Fixed Gain Mode; VCC=3.3V 4.55%VREG < VAGC_EN < 95.45%VREG -40℃ ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
-0.4 | 0.4 | % | |
Fixed Gain Mode; VCC=5.0V; 4.55%VREG < VAGC_EN < 95.45%VREG -40℃ ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
-0.35 | 0.55 | ||||
Vin_off | Input referred offset for IN0 channel(2) measured with input shorted and exciter coil connected | VCC=3.3V, 5.0V; Fixed Gain Mode; 30%VREG < VAGC_EN < 95.45%VREG -40℃ ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
150 | 170 | µV | |
Input referred offset for IN1 channel(2) measured with input shorted and exciter coil connected | 50 | 100 | µV | |||
nSIG_PATH_SE | Input referred noise for the complete signal path for single ended output for each channel(2) | 25 | nV/√Hz | |||
nSIG_PATH_DIFF | Input referred noise for the complete signal path for differential output for each channel(2) | 36 | nV/√Hz | |||
Excitation | ||||||
VAMP_LC | LC oscillator differential amplitude | 3.15V ≤ VVREG ≤ 3.6; TA=25°C | 70 | 75.8 | 81.5 | %Vreg |
3.15V ≤ VVREG ≤ 3.6; -40°C < TA < 160°C | 64 | 87 | ||||
LC oscillator differential amplitude when VVREG is below regulation voltage | VPOR_VREG_LTH ≤ VVREG ≤ VPOR_VREG_UTH; TA=25°C | 69.5 | 82.5 | |||
VPOR_VREG_LTH ≤ VVREG ≤ VPOR_VREG_UTH; -40°C < TA < 160°C | 63 | 88 | ||||
VDC_LC | DC operating point for LC oscillator | 3.15V ≤ VVREG ≤ 3.6; TA=25°C | 47 | 50 | 52.5 | %VREG |
3.15V ≤ VVREG ≤ 3.6; -40°C < TA < 160°C | 43.5 | 56.5 | ||||
DC operating point for LC oscillator when VVREG is below regulation voltage | VPOR_VREG_LTH ≤ VVREG ≤ VPOR_VREG_UTH; TA=25°C | 47.5 | 53 | |||
VPOR_VREG_LTH ≤ VVREG ≤ VPOR_VREG_UTH; -40°C < TA < 160°C | 42.5 | 57.5 | ||||
ILIM_LC (2) | RMS value of LC oscillator current limit | 13 | 30 | mA | ||
fOSC_LC (2) | LC oscillator resonant frequency | 2.4 | 5 | MHz | ||
THDLC (2) | Total harmonic distortion of oscillator output (VLCIN-VLCOUT) | -30 | dB | |||
RPU_LCx | Internal pull up resistance to VREG on LCIN and LCOUT pins | 220 | 330 | KΩ | ||
RPD_LCx | Internal pull down resistance to GND on LCIN and LCOUT pins | 220 | 330 | KΩ | ||
Rp | Allowed range for equivalent parallel resistance of LC oscillator coil | 167 | 5000 | Ω | ||
L | Allowed range of inductance of excitation coil resonator | 5 | μH | |||
CLC1, CLC2 | Allowed range for capacitors for excitation coil | 100 | 370 | pF | ||
CMIS | Allowed capacitor mismatch (between CLC1 and CLC2) | -10 | 10 | % | ||
Receiver | ||||||
VDIFF_REC | Allowed range for differential input signal amplitude | In fixed gain mode, voltage on AGC_EN pin adjusted to set gain to avoid clipping | 5 | 400 | mVp-p | |
VCOM_REC | Common mode voltage forced on input signals | 45 | 50 | 55 | %VREG | |
fLF_BPF_REC | Bandpass filter lower cutoff frequency(1) | 430 | 600 | 760 | kHz | |
fUF_BPF_REC | Bandpass filter upper cutoff frequency(1) | 12 | 20 | 26 | MHz | |
fLPF_REC | Low pass filter (after demodulation) | 65 | 100 | 125 | kHz | |
VN_DIFF_REC | Amplitude of differential noise on input rejected by receive path for fundamental frequency between 10KHz to 20KHz | Differential input signal >20mVpp, VCC=5V, Sqaure wave noise signal ramp time = 8µs | 1 | Vpp | ||
VN_COM_REC | Amplitude of common mode noise on input rejected by receive path for fundamental frequency between 10KHz to 20KHz | Differential input signal >20mVpp, VCC=5V, Sqaure wave noise signal ramp time = 8µs | 1 | |||
RPU_INxN | Internal pull up resistor to VREG on each of the INxN pins | 0.8 | 1 | 1.2 | MΩ | |
RPD_INxP | Internal pull down resistor to GND on each of the INxP pins | 0.8 | 1 | 1.2 | ||
LREC | Typical Receiver coil inductance (Information only) | 0.2 | μH | |||
RREC | Typical Receiver coil resistance (Information only) | 6 | Ω | |||
Automatic Gain Control | ||||||
VAGC_EN_AUTO | Voltage on AGC_EN pin to set AGC in auto mode | 2 | %VREG | |||
VAGC_EN_MANUAL | Voltage range on AGC_EN pin to manually set different AGC gains | 4.55 | 95.45 | |||
RAGC_EN_MIN | Minimum value of required external resistor on AGC_EN to ground to enable AGC mode (Information Only) | 1 | KΩ | |||
RAGC_EN_MAX | Maximum value of required external resistor on AGC_EN to ground to enable AGC mode (Information Only) | 16.3 | KΩ | |||
RPU_AGC_EN | Internal pull up resistor to VREG on AGC_EN | 0.8 | 1 | 1.2 | MΩ | |
AGC_Target(4) | Value of √(OUT02 + OUT12) | VCC = VCC_33; TA=25°C | 54.5 | 59.5 | 64.5 | %VCC |
VCC = VCC_33; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 53.5 | 65 | ||||
VCC = VCC_50; TA=25°C | 55 | 60 | 65 | |||
VCC = VCC_50; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 54 | 66 | ||||
AGC_FH | Automatic gain control - fast regulation region high threshold. | VCC = VCC_33; TA=25°C | 75.5 | 78.9 | 83 | %VCC |
VCC = VCC_33; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 75 | 83.5 | ||||
VCC = VCC_50; TA=25°C | 77 | 80.1 | 84 | |||
VCC = VCC_50; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 76 | 85 | ||||
AGC_SH | Automatic gain control - slow regulation region high threshold. | VCC = VCC_33; TA=25°C | 66 | 68.8 | 73.5 | %VCC |
VCC = VCC_33; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 65.5 | 74 | ||||
VCC = VCC_50; TA=25°C | 67 | 70 | 74 | |||
VCC = VCC_50; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 66.5 | 74.8 | ||||
AGC_SL | Automatic gain control - slow regulation region low threshold. | VCC = VCC_33; TA=25°C | 45 | 48.6 | 52 | %VCC |
VCC = VCC_33; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 44.5 | 52.5 | ||||
VCC = VCC_50; TA=25°C | 46.5 | 49.8 | 53 | |||
VCC = VCC_50; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 46 | 53.5 | ||||
AGC_FL | Automatic gain control - fast regulation region low threshold. | VCC = VCC_33; TA=25°C | 34.5 | 38.3 | 42.5 | %VCC |
VCC = VCC_33; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 34 | 43 | ||||
VCC = VCC_50; TA=25°C | 36.7 | 39.9 | 42.7 | |||
VCC = VCC_50; -40°C≤TA≤160°C | 36 | 43.5 | ||||
Output Stage | ||||||
VOUT | Output signal range | OUTxy pins single-ended measurement | 7 | 93 | %VCC | |
VREF_OUT | Output reference voltage | 48 | 50 | 52 | ||
IILIM_OUT | Current limit source or sink on output pins | 3 | 20 | mA | ||
IOUT | Load current on output pins | 1.5 | ||||
RPD_OUT | Allowed range for resistor on OUT pins to GND for output pins during a detected fault condition. Refer to VOUT_FLT_LOW for error band | 4 | 20 | kΩ | ||
RPU_OUT | Allowed range for resistor on OUT pins to VCC for output pin during a detected fault condition. Refer to VOUT_FLT_HIGH for error band | 4 | 20 | |||
COUT | Capacitors on OUT pins (Information Only) | RPD_OUT = RPU_OUT = 10kΩ, 8kHz rotation speed | 1 | 8 | nF | |
COUT | Capacitors on OUT pins (Information Only) | Maximum rotational speed limited | 8 | 200 | ||
ISCB_OUT | Short circuit current into OUT pins when shorted to voltage higher than VCC | VOUT>8V; VCC=5V | 5 | mA | ||
IOUT_NOVCC_DIFF | Leakage current in to each OUT pin when VCC is lost; Outputs used in differential mode. | VCC pin open; RPU_OUT =5K on each OUTx pin; VCC=3.3V | 12 | µA | ||
VCC pin open; RPU_OUT =5K on each OUTx pin; VCC=5.0V | 25 | |||||
IOUT_NOVCC_SE | Leakage current in to each OUT pin when VCC is lost; Outputs used in single-ended mode. | VCC pin open; RPU_OUT =5K on each OUTxP pins; VCC=3.3V | 17 | |||
VCC pin open; RPU_OUT =5K on each OUTxP pins; VCC=5.0V | 35 | |||||
IOUT_NOGND_DIFF | Leakage current out of each OUT pin when GND is lost; Outputs used in differential mode. | GND pin open; RPD_OUT = 5K on each OUTx pin; VCC=3.3V | 30 | µA | ||
GND open; RPD_OUT = 5K on each OUTx pin; VCC=5.0V | 50 | |||||
IOUT_NOGND_SE | Leakage current out of each OUT pin when GND is lost; Outputs used in single-ended mode. | GND pin open; RPD_OUT = 5K on each OUTxP pin; VCC=3.3V | 35 | |||
GND pin open; RPD_OUT = 5K on each OUTxP pin; VCC=5.0V | 60 | |||||
VOUT_FLT_LOW | Voltage on OUT pins in fault state with external pulldown resistors to ground on OUT pins | 4KΩ ≤ RPD_OUT ≤ 20KΩ on each OUTx pin; VCC=3.3V;5.0V; -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
4 | %VCC | ||
VOUT_FLT_HIGH | Voltage on OUT pins in fault state with external pullup resistors to VCC on OUT pins | 4KΩ ≤ RPU_OUT ≤ 5KΩ on each OUTx pin; VCC=3.3V; -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
96 | %VCC | ||
4KΩ ≤ RPU_OUT ≤ 10KΩ on each OUTx pin; VCC=5.0V; -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
96 | |||||
IOUT_LK_PU (2) | Leakge current on OUT pins in fault state with external pullup resistors to VCC on OUT pins when VOUTx > VOUT_FLT_HIGH | 5KΩ ≤ RPU_OUT ≤ 20KΩ on each OUTx pin; VCC=3.3V; -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
30 | µA | ||
10KΩ ≤ RPU_OUT ≤ 20KΩ on each OUTx pin; VCC=5.0V; -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 160°C |
20 |