SNVSB96 July 2019 LM3424-Q1
The LM3424-Q1 can be configured to detect an output (or input) over-voltage condition via the OVP pin. The pin features a precision 1.24V threshold with 20 µA (typical) of hysteresis current as shown in Figure 28. When the OVLO threshold is exceeded, the GATE pin is immediately pulled low and a 20 µA current source provides hysteresis to the lower threshold of the OVLO hysteretic band.
If the LEDs are referenced to a potential other than ground (floating), as in the buck-boost and buck configuration, the output voltage (VO) should be sensed and translated to ground by using a single PNP as shown in Figure 29.
The over-voltage turn-off threshold (VTURN-OFF) is defined:
Ground Referenced
In the ground referenced configuration, the voltage across ROV2 is VO - 1.24 V whereas in the floating configuration it is VO - 620 mV where 620 mV approximates VBE of the PNP.
The over-voltage hysteresis (VHYSO) is defined: