型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(公称) |
LM5107 | SOIC (8) | 4.90mm×3.91mm |
WSON (8) | 4.00mm×4.00mm |
Pin # | Name | Description | Application Information | |
SOIC | WSON | |||
1 | 1 | VDD | Positive gate drive supply | Locally decouple to VSS using low ESR/ESL capacitor located as close to IC as possible. |
2 | 2 | HI | High side control input | The LM5107 HI input is compatible with TTL input thresholds. Unused HI input should be tied to ground and not left open |
3 | 3 | LI | Low side control input | The LM5107 LI input is compatible with TTL input thresholds. Unused LI input should be tied to ground and not left open. |
4 | 4 | VSS | Ground reference | All signals are referenced to this ground. |
5 | 5 | LO | Low side gate driver output | Connect to the gate of the low side N-MOS device. |
6 | 6 | HS | High side source connection | Connect to the negative terminal of the bootstrap capacitor and to the source of the high side N-MOS device. |
7 | 7 | HO | High side gate driver output | Connect to the gate of the low side N-MOS device. |
8 | 8 | HB | High side gate driver positive supply rail | Connect the positive terminal of the bootstrap capacitor to HB and the negative terminal of the bootstrap capacitor to HS. The bootstrap capacitor should be placed as close to IC as possible. |
VDD to VSS | -0.3V to 18V |
HB to HS | −0.3V to 18V |
LI or HI to VSS | −0.3V to VDD +0.3V |
LO to VSS | −0.3V to VDD +0.3V |
HO to VSS | VHS −0.3V to VHB +0.3V |
HS to VSS(3) | −5V to 100V |
HB to VSS | 118V |
Junction Temperature | -40°C to +150°C |
Storage Temperature Range | −55°C to +150°C |
VALUE | UNIT | |||
V(ESD) | Electrostatic discharge | Human-body model (HBM)(1) | ±2000 | V |
VDD | 8V to 14V |
HS(1) | −1V to 100V |
HB | VHS +8V to VHS +14V |
HS Slew Rate | < 50 V/ns |
Junction Temperature | −40°C to +125°C |
Symbol | Parameter | Conditions | Min(2) | Typ | Max(2) | Units |
IDD | VDD Quiescent Current | LI = HI = 0V | 0.3 | 0.6 | mA | |
IDDO | VDD Operating Current | f = 500 kHz | 2.1 | 3.4 | mA | |
IHB | Total HB Quiescent Current | LI = HI = 0V | 0.06 | 0.2 | mA | |
IHBO | Total HB Operating Current | f = 500 kHz | 1.6 | 3.0 | mA | |
IHBS | HB to VSS Current, Quiescent | VHS = VHB = 100V | 0.1 | 10 | µA | |
IHBSO | HB to VSS Current, Operating | f = 500 kHz | 0.5 | mA | ||
INPUT PINS LI and HI | ||||||
VIL | Low Level Input Voltage Threshold | 0.8 | 1.8 | V | ||
VIH | High Level Input Voltage Threshold | 1.8 | 2.2 | V | ||
RI | Input Pulldown Resistance | 100 | 180 | 500 | kΩ | |
VDDR | VDD Rising Threshold | VDDR = VDD - VSS | 6.0 | 6.9 | 7.4 | V |
VDDH | VDD Threshold Hysteresis | 0.5 | V | |||
VHBR | HB Rising Threshold | VHBR = VHB - VHS | 5.7 | 6.6 | 7.1 | V |
VHBH | HB Threshold Hysteresis | 0.4 | V | |||
VDL | Low-Current Forward Voltage | IVDD-HB = 100 µA VDL = VDD - VHB |
0.58 | 0.9 | V | |
VDH | High-Current Forward Voltage | IVDD-HB = 100 mA VDH = VDD - VHB |
0.82 | 1.1 | V | |
RD | Dynamic Resistance | IVDD-HB = 100 mA | 0.8 | 1.5 | Ω | |
VOLL | Low-Level Output Voltage | ILO = 100 mA VOHL = VLO – VSS |
0.28 | 0.45 | V | |
VOHL | High-Level Output Voltage | ILO = −100 mA, VOHL = VDD– VLO |
0.45 | 0.75 | V | |
IOHL | Peak Pullup Current | VLO = 0V | 1.3 | A | ||
IOLL | Peak Pulldown Current | VLO = 12V | 1.4 | A | ||
VOLH | Low-Level Output Voltage | IHO = 100 mA VOLH = VHO– VHS |
0.28 | 0.45 | V | |
VOHH | High-Level Output Voltage | IHO = −100 mA VOHH = VHB– VHO |
0.45 | 0.75 | V | |
IOHH | Peak Pullup Current | VHO = 0V | 1.3 | A | ||
IOLH | Peak Pulldown Current | VHO = 12V | 1.4 | A | ||
θJA(3) | Junction to Ambient | SOIC | 160 | °C/W | ||
WSON(1) | 40 |
Symbol | Parameter | Conditions | Min(1) | Typ | Max(1) | Units |
LM5100A | ||||||
tLPHL | Lower Turn-Off Propagation Delay (LI Falling to LO Falling) |
27 | 56 | ns | ||
tHPHL | Upper Turn-Off Propagation Delay (HI Falling to HO Falling) |
27 | 56 | ns | ||
tLPLH | Lower Turn-On Propagation Delay (LI Rising to LO Rising) |
29 | 56 | ns | ||
tHPLH | Upper Turn-On Propagation Delay (HI Rising to HO Rising) |
29 | 56 | ns | ||
tMON | Delay Matching: Lower Turn-On and Upper Turn-Off | 2 | 15 | ns | ||
tMOFF | Delay Matching: Lower Turn-Off and Upper Turn-On | 2 | 15 | ns | ||
tRC, tFC | Either Output Rise/Fall Time | CL = 1000 pF | 15 | - | ns | |
tPW | Minimum Input Pulse Width that Changes the Output | 50 | ns | |||
tBS | Bootstrap Diode Turn-Off Time | IF = 100 mA, IR = 100 mA | 105 | ns |