JAJSL65A February 2023 – January 2025 LM5148-Q1
SUPPLY (VIN) | ||||||
IQ-VIN1 | VIN shutdown current | VEN = 0 V | 2.3 | 3.8 | µA | |
IQ-VIN2 | VIN standby current | Non-switching, 0.5 V ≤ VEN ≤ 1 V | 124 | µA | ||
ISLEEP1 | Sleep current, 3.3 V | 1.03 V ≤ VEN ≤ 80 V, VVOUT = 3.3 V, in regulation, no-load, not switching, VPFM/SYNC = VDDA | 9.5 | 19.7 | µA | |
ISLEEP2 | Sleep current, 5 V | 1.03 V ≤ VEN ≤ 80 V, VVOUT = 5.0 V, in regulation, no-load, not switching, VPFM/SYNC = VDDA | 9.9 | 19.9 | µA | |
ENABLE (EN) | ||||||
VSDN | Shutdown to standby threshold | VEN rising | 0.5 | V | ||
VEN-HIGH | Enable voltage rising threshold | VEN rising, enable switching | 0.95 | 1.0 | 1.05 | V |
IEN-HYS | Enable hysteresis | VEN = 1.1 V | –12 | –10 | –8 | µA |
VVCC-REG | VCC regulation voltage | IVCC = 0 mA to 100 mA | 4.7 | 5 | 5.3 | V |
VVCC-UVLO | VCC UVLO rising threshold | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | V | |
VVCC-HYST | VCC UVLO hysteresis | 148 | mV | |||
IVCC-REG | Internal LDO short-circuit current limit | 115 | 170 | mA | ||
VVDDA-REG | VDDA regulation voltage | 4.75 | 5 | 5.25 | V | |
VVDDA-UVLO | VDDA UVLO rising | VVCC rising, VVCCX = 0 V | 3 | 3.2 | 3.3 | V |
VVDDA-HYST | VDDA UVLO hysteresis | VVCCX = 0 V | 120 | mV | ||
RVDDA | VDDA resistance | VVCCX = 0 V | 5.5 | Ω | ||
VVCCX-ON | VCCX rising threshold | 4.1 | 4.3 | 4.4 | V | |
VVCCX-HYST | VCCX hysteresis voltage | 130 | mV | |||
RVCCX | VCCX resistance | 2 | Ω | |||
VREF | Regulated FB voltage | 795 | 800 | 808 | mV | |
VOUT-3.3V-INT | 3.3-V output voltage setpoint | RFB = 0 Ω, VIN = 3.8 V to 80 V, internal compensation | 3.267 | 3.3 | 3.33 | V |
VOUT-3.3V-EXT | 3.3-V output voltage setpoint | RFB = 0 Ω, VIN = 3.8 V to 80 V, external compensation | 3.267 | 3.3 | 3.33 | V |
VOUT-5V–INT | 5-V output voltage setpoint |
RFB = 24.9 kΩ, VIN = 5.5 V to 80 V, internal compensation | 4.95 | 5.0 | 5.05 | V |
VOUT-5V–EXT | 5-V output voltage setpoint |
RFB = 24.9 kΩ, VIN = 5.5 V to 80 V, external compensation | 4.95 | 5.0 | 5.05 | V |
VOUT-12V-INT | 12-V output setpoint | RFB = 48.7 kΩ, VIN = 24 V to 80 V, internal compensation | 11.88 | 12 | 12.12 | V |
VOUT-12V-EXT | 12-V output setpoint | RFB = 48.7 kΩ, VIN = 24 V to 80 V, external compensation | 11.88 | 12 | 12.12 | V |
RFB-OPT1 | 5-V output select | 23 | 25 | 27 | kΩ | |
RFB-OPT2 | 12-V output select | 47 | 50 | 53 | kΩ | |
gm-EXTERNAL | EA transconductance, external compensation | FB to EXTCOMP | 1020 | 1200 | µS | |
gm-INTERNAL | EA transconductance, internal compensation | EXTCOMP 10 kΩ to VDDA | 30 | µS | ||
IFB | Error amplifier input bias current | 75 | nA | |||
VCOMP-CLAMP | COMP clamp voltage | VFB = 0 V | 2.1 | V | ||
ICOMP-SRC | EA source current | VEXTCOMP = 1 V, VFB = 0.6 V | 180 | µA | ||
ICOMP-SINK | EA sink current | VEXTCOMP = 1 V, VFB = 1 V | 180 | µA | ||
RCOMP | Internal compensation | EXTCOMP 10 kΩ to VDDA | 400 | kΩ | ||
CCOMP | Internal compensation | EXTCOMP 10 kΩ to VDDA | 50 | pF | ||
CCOMP-HF | Internal compensation | EXTCOMP 10 kΩ to VDDA | 1 | pF | ||
VPFM-LO | PFM detection threshold low | 0.8 | V | |||
VPFM-HI | PFM detection threshold high | 2.0 | V | |||
VZC-SW | Zero-cross threshold | –5.5 | mV | |||
VZC-DIS | Zero-cross threshold disable | PFM/SYNC = 0 V, 1000 SW cycles after first HO pulse | 100 | mV | ||
FSYNCIN | Frequency sync range | RRT = 9.52 kΩ, ±20% of the nominal oscillator frequency | 1.74 | 2.7 | MHz | |
tSYNC-MIN | Minimum pulse-width of external synchronization signal | 20 | 250 | ns | ||
tSYNCIN-HO | Delay from PFM falling edge to HO rising edge | 45 | ns | |||
tPFM-FILTER | SYNCIN to PFM mode | 13 | 45 | µs | ||
ΔfC | Switching frequency percentage change | 7 | % | |||
fm | Modulation frequency | 8.2 | 16.2 | kHz | ||
VRT | RT pin regulation voltage | 10 kΩ < RRT < 100 kΩ | 0.5 | V | ||
FSW1 | Switching frequency 1 | RRT = 97.6 kΩ to AGND | 0.22 | MHz | ||
FSW2 | Switching frequency 2 | VIN = 12 V, RRT = 9.52 kΩ to AGND | 1.98 | 2.2 | 2.42 | MHz |
FSW3 | Switching frequency 3 | RRT = 220 kΩ to AGND | 100 | kHz | ||
SLOPE1 | Internal slope compensation 1 | RRT = 9.52 kΩ | 600 | mV/µs | ||
SLOPE2 | Internal slope compensation 2 | RRT = 97.6 kΩ | 50 | mV/µs | ||
tON(min) | Minimum on-time | 50 | ns | |||
tOFF(min) | Minimum off-time | 90 | ns | |||
POWER GOOD (PG) | ||||||
VPG-UV | Power Good UV trip level | Falling with respect to the regulated voltage | 90% | 92% | 94% | |
VPG-OV | Power Good OV trip level | Rising with respect to the regulation voltage | 108% | 110% | 112% | |
VPG-UV-HYST | Power Good UV hysteresis | Rising with respect to the regulated output | 3.6% | |||
VPG-OV-HYST | Power Good OV hysteresis | Rising with respect to the regulation voltage | 3.4% | |||
tOV-DLY | OV filter time | VOUT rising | 25 | µs | ||
tUV-DLY | UV filter time | VOUT falling | 25 | µs | ||
VPG-OL | PG voltage | Open collector, IPG/SYNC = 2 mA | 0.8 | V | ||
VSYNCOUT-LO | SYNCOUT-LO low-state voltage | RCNFG = 54.9 kΩ or 71.5 kΩ to GND (primary), IPFM/SYNC = 2 mA | 0.8 | V | ||
VSYNCOUT-HO | SYNCO-HO high-state voltage | RCNFG = 54.9 kΩ, or 71.5 kΩ to GND (primary) IPFM/SYNC = 2 mA | 2.0 | V | ||
tSYNCOUT | Delay from HO rising edge to SYNCOUT (PG/SYNCOUT in primary mode) | VPFM = 0 V, FSW set by RRT = 97.6 kΩ | 2.1 | µs | ||
STARTUP (Soft Start) | ||||||
tSS-INT | Internal fixed soft-start time | 1.9 | 3 | 4.6 | ms | |
VBOOT-DROP | Internal diode forward drop | ICBOOT = 20 mA, VCC to CBOOT | 0.63 | 0.8 | V | |
IBOOT | CBOOT to SW quiescent current, not switching | VEN = 5 V, VCBOOT-SW = 5 V | 2.88 | 4.3 | µA | |
VBOOT-SW-UV-R | CBOOT to SW UVLO rising threshold | VCBOOT-SW rising | 2.83 | V | ||
VBOOT-SW-UV-F | CBOOT to SW UVLO falling threshold | VCBOOT-SW falling | 2.5 | V | ||
VBOOT-SW-UV-HYS | CBOOT to SW UVLO hysteresis | 0.05 | V | |||
VHO-HIGH | HO high-state output voltage | IHO = –100 mA, VHO-HIGH = VCBOOT – VHO | 106 | mV | ||
VHO-LOW | HO low-state output voltage | IHO = 100 mA | 50 | mV | ||
tHO-RISE | HO rise time (10% to 90%) | CLOAD = 2.7 nF | 7 | ns | ||
tHO-FALL | HO fall time (90% to 10%) | CLOAD = 2.7 nF | 7 | ns | ||
IHO-SRC | HO peak source current | VHO = VSW = 0 V, VVCC = VCBOOT = 5 V | 2.2 | A | ||
IHO-SINK | HO peak sink current | VVCC = 5 V | 3.2 | A | ||
VLO-LOW | LO low-state output voltage | ILO = 100 mA | 50 | mV | ||
VLO-HIGH | LO high-state output voltage | ILO = –100 mA | 130 | mV | ||
tLO-RISE | LO rise time (10% to 90%) | CLOAD = 2.7 nF | 7 | ns | ||
tLO-FALL | LO fall time (90% to 10%) | CLOAD = 2.7 nF | 7 | ns | ||
ILO-SRC | LO peak source current | VLO = 0 V, VVCC = 5 V | 2.2 | A | ||
ILO-SINK | LO peak sink current | VVCC = 5 V | 3.2 | A | ||
tDEAD1 | HO off to LO on deadtime | 20 | ns | |||
tDEAD2 | LO off to HO on deadtime | 20 | ns | |||
HICDLY | Hiccup mode activation delay | VISNS+ –VVOUT > 60 mV | 512 | cycles | ||
HICCYCLES | HICCUP mode fault | VISNS+ –VVOUT > 60 mV | 16384 | cycles | ||
VCS-TH | Current limit threshold | Measured from ISNS+ to VOUT | 49 | 60 | 73 | mV |
tDELAY-ISNS+ | ISNS+ delay to output | 65 | ns | |||
GCS | CS amplifier gain | 9 | 10 | 10.8 | V/V | |
IBIAS-ISNS+ | CS amplifier input bias current | 15 | nA | |||
RCONF-OPT1 | Primary, no spread spectrum | 28.7 | 29.4 | 31 | kΩ | |
RCONF-OPT2 | Primary, with spread spectrum | 40.2 | 41.2 | 43.2 | kΩ | |
RCONF-OPT3 | Primary, interleaved, no spread spectrum | 53.6 | 54.9 | 57.6 | kΩ | |
RCONF-OPT4 | Primary, interleaved, with spread spectrum | 69.8 | 71.5 | 73.2 | kΩ | |
RCONF-OPT5 | Secondary | 87 | 90.9 | 93.1 | kΩ | |
TJ-SD | Thermal shutdown threshold (1) | Temperature rising | 175 | °C | ||
TJ-HYS | Thermal shutdown hysteresis (1) | 15 | °C |