JAJSNZ8A February 2022 – April 2022 LM5152-Q1 , LM51521-Q1
When skip mode is selected as the light load switching mode, the device enters sleep mode when the pulse skip counter detects 16 consecutive cycles of pulse skipping in the active mode, and re-enters the active mode if VOUT falls down below VWAKE.
The light load efficiency can be increased by entering sleep mode more frequently and staying in sleep mode longer. In skip mode and when SS is greater than 1.5 V, the device works in the diode emulation, but the minimum peak current is limited to 10 mV/RS once the low-side driver turns on. By limiting the minimum peak current, the boost converter is able to supply more current than what is required when switching, and enters sleep mode more frequently and stays longer in the sleep mode.
When skip mode is selected as the light load switching mode, LM should be selected for the peak inductor to reach the 10m-V minimum peak current limit before LO turns off by DMAX at the minimum VSUPPLY.