JAJSRI9B October 2023 – June 2024 LM51772
If the bit EN_NINT (see Table 8-11) is set to 0b0 the nFLT/nINT pin indicates all faults that are reported to the STATUS byte.
After a restart of the converter operation or in case the failure mode disappears the nFLT pin will go back to HighZ. The input signals to the STATUS-BYTE and therefore the nFLT/nINT pin are de-glitched. Because of this the maximum reaction time of the FLT pin is given by td(nFLT-PIN)
It is not recommended to change the EN_NINT dynamically during operation, but during the CONV_OFF state.
In case the EN_NINT = 0b1 the nFLT/nINT pin acts as interrupt pin. A change of the instantaneous signal to the STATUS_BYTE as well as the inputs to the USB_PD_STATUS_0 toggles the pin.