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LMG3622 は、スイッチ・モード電源アプリケーション向けの 650V 120mΩ GaN パワー FET です。LMG3622 は、8mm × 5.3mm の QFN パッケージに GaN FET とゲート・ドライバを内蔵することで、設計の簡素化と部品点数の削減を実現しています。
プログラマブルなターンオン・スルーレートにより、EMI とリンギングを制御できます。電流検出エミュレーションにより、従来の電流検出抵抗方式よりも消費電力を低減でき、またローサイドのサーマル・パッドを冷却用 PCB 電源グランドに接続できます。
LMG3622 は、小さい静止電流と高速な起動時間によって、コンバータの軽負荷効率要件とバースト・モード動作に対応しています。保護機能として、低電圧誤動作防止 (UVLO)、サイクル単位の電流制限、過熱保護が搭載されています。過熱保護は、オープン・ドレインの FLT ピンで通知されます。
NAME | NO. | ||
NC1 | 1, 15 | NC | Used to anchor QFN package to PCB. Pins must be soldered to PCB landing pads. The PCB landing pads are non-solder mask defined pads and must not be physically connected to any other metal on the PCB. Internally connected to D. |
D | 2-14 | P | GaN FET drain. Internally connected to NC1. |
NC2 | 16, 20, 38 | NC | Used to anchor QFN package to PCB. Pins must be soldered to PCB landing pads. The PCB landing pads are non-solder mask defined pads and must not be physically connected to any other metal on the PCB. Internally connected to AGND, S and, PAD. |
S | 17-19, 21-29 | P | GaN FET source. Internally connected to AGND, PAD, and NC2. |
EN | 30 | I | Enable. Used to toggle between active and standby modes. The standby mode has reduced quiescent current to support converter light load efficiency targets. There is a forward based ESD diode from EN to AUX so avoid driving EN higher than AUX. |
IN | 31 | I | Gate-drive control input. There is a forward based ESD diode from IN to AUX so avoid driving IN higher than AUX. |
AGND | 32 | GND | Analog ground. Internally connected to S, PAD, and NC2. |
CS | 33 | O | Current-sense emulation output. Outputs scaled replica of the GaN FET current. Feed output current into a resistor to create a current sense voltage signal. The resistor should be referenced to the power supply controller IC local ground. This function replaces the external current sense resistor that is used in series with the FET source. |
NC3 | 34 | NC | Used to anchor QFN package to PCB. Pin must be soldered to a PCB landing pad. The PCB landing pad is non-solder mask defined pads and must not be physically connected to any other metal on the PCB. Pin not connected internally. |
FLT | 35 | O | Active-low fault output. Open-drain output that asserts during overtemperature protection. |
AUX | 36 | P | Auxiliary voltage rail. Device supply voltage. Connect a local bypass capacitor between AUX and AGND. |
RDRV | 37 | I | Drive strength control resistor. Set a resistance between RDRV and AGND to program the GaN FET turn-on slew rate. |
PAD | — | — | Thermal pad. Internally connected to S, AGND, and NC2. All the S current may be conducted with PAD (PAD = S). |