JAJSJ31A April 2020 – November 2020 LMR50410
The voltage on the EN pin controls the ON/OFF operation of the LMR50410. A voltage of less than 0.95 V shuts down the device, while a voltage of greater than 1.36 V is required to start the converter. The EN pin is an input and cannot be left open or floating. The simplest way to enable the operation of the LMR50410 is to connect the EN to VIN. This allows self-start-up of the LMR50410 when VIN is within the operating range.
Many applications benefit from the employment of an enable divider RENT and RENB (Figure 8-3) to establish a precision system UVLO level for the converter. System UVLO can be used for supplies operating from utility power as well as battery power. It can be used for sequencing, ensuring reliable operation, or supplying protection, such as a battery discharge level. An external logic signal can also be used to drive EN input for system sequencing and protection. Note, the EN pin voltage must not to be greater than VIN + 0.3 V. It is not recommended to apply EN voltage when VIN is 0 V.