JAJSQY4 December 2024 LMR60410
If MODE/SYNC voltage is below VIL(MODE/SYNC), reverse current in the inductor is not allowed – this feature is called diode emulation (DEM). DEM occurs when the load current is less than half of the inductor ripple current. After the inductor current falls below the zero-cross current limit, the LS FET turns off and inductor current flows through the body diode of the LS FET. After current is reduced to a low value with fixed input voltage, on-time is constant. Regulation is then achieved by adjusting frequency. This mode of operation is called pulse frequency modulation (PFM) mode regulation.
In PFM operation, a small positive DC offset can be observed on the output voltage as the output capacitors become overcharged due to lack of load. If this DC offset on VOUT is not acceptable, a dummy load at VOUT or FPWM mode can be used to reduce or eliminate this offset. This offset typically does not exceed 1% of VOUT that the device regulates to while heavily loaded.