SNAS322C February 2006 – January 2016 LMX2487
NO. | NAME | ||
0 | GND | — | Ground Substrate. This is on the bottom of the package and must be grounded. |
1 | CPoutRF | O | RF PLL charge pump output. |
2 | GND | — | RF PLL analog ground. |
3 | VddRF1 | — | RF PLL analog power supply. |
4 | FinRF | I | RF PLL high-frequency input pin. |
5 | FinRF* | I | RF PLL complementary high-frequency input pin. Shunt to ground with a 100-pF capacitor. |
6 | LE | I | MICROWIRE Load Enable. High-impedance CMOS input. Data stored in the shift registers is loaded into the internal latches when LE goes HIGH |
7 | DATA | I | MICROWIRE Data. High-impedance binary serial data input. |
8 | CLK | I | MICROWIRE Clock. High-impedance CMOS Clock input. Data for the various counters is clocked into the 24-bit shift register on the rising edge |
9 | VddRF2 | — | Power supply for RF PLL digital circuitry. |
10 | CE | I | Chip Enable control pin. Must be pulled high for normal operation. |
11 | VddRF5 | I | Power supply for RF PLL digital circuitry. |
12 | Ftest/LD | O | Test frequency output / Lock Detect. |
13 | FinIF | I | IF PLL high-frequency input pin. |
14 | VddIF1 | — | IF PLL analog power supply. |
15 | GND | — | IF PLL digital ground. |
16 | CPoutIF | O | IF PLL charge pump output |
17 | VddIF2 | — | IF PLL power supply. |
18 | OSCout | O | Buffered output of the OSCin signal. |
19 | ENOSC | I | Oscillator enable. When this is set to high, the OSCout pin is enabled regardless of the state of other pins or register bits. |
20 | OSCin | I | Reference Input. |
21 | NC | I | This pin must be left open. |
22 | VddRF3 | — | Power supply for RF PLL digital circuitry. |
23 | FLoutRF | O | RF PLL Fastlock Output. Also functions as Programmable TRI-STATE CMOS output. |
24 | VddRF4 | — | RF PLL analog power supply. |