4 Revision History
Changes from Revision B (May 2019) to Revision C (March 2023)
- 文書全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- 商標の情報を更新Go
- Changed the VIN to GND MAX from 42 to 40Go
- Updated the Functional Block Diagram
Changes from Revision A (April 2018) to Revision B (May 2019)
- 可変出力範囲の最小値を 2.5V から 1.2V に変更Go
- Added Maximum input voltage vs output voltage graph for VOUT < 2.5 V, Power dissipation and Output current vs ambient temperature graphs for 1.2-V and 1.8-V outputsGo
- Added information on maximum input voltage for VOUT < 2.5 V Go
- Added output capacitance requirements for 1.2-V and 1.8-V outputs Go
- Added guidance on feedback resistor values for lower output voltages Go
- Added typical application curves for 1.2-V and 1.8-V outputs Go
Changes from Revision * (December 2017) to Revision A (April 2018)
- 量産データのデータシートの初版、WEBENCH 用のリンクを追加Go