JAJSG88D May 2013 – October 2020 MSP430F5252 , MSP430F5253 , MSP430F5254 , MSP430F5255 , MSP430F5256 , MSP430F5257 , MSP430F5258 , MSP430F5259
The UART BSL enables users to program the flash memory or RAM using a UART serial interface. Access to the device memory through the BSL is protected by an user-defined password. Because the F525x have split I/O power domains, it is possible to interface with the BSL from either the DVCC or DVIO supply domains. This is useful when the MSP430 is interfacing to a host on the DVIO supply domain. The BSL interface on the DVIO supply domain (see Table 9-5) uses the USCI_A0 module configured as a UART. The BSL interface on the DVCC supply domain (see Table 9-4) uses a timer-based UART.
For applications that have BSL communication based on the DVCC supply domain, entry to the BSL requires a specific sequence on the RSTDVCC/SBWTDIO and TEST/SBWTCK pins.
Devices that are factory programmed with an UART BSL use the DVCC power supply domain pin configuration per default (see Table 9-4).
To invoke the BSL from the DVCC domain, the RSTDVCC/SBWTDIO pin and TEST/SBWTCK pin must be used for the entry sequence. It is critical not to confuse the RST/NMI pin with the RSTDVCC/SBWTDIO pin. In many other MSP430 devices, SBWTDIO is shared with the RST/NMI pin, and RSTDVCC does not exist. Additional information can be found in Designing With MSP430F522x and MSP430F521x Devices.
RSTDVCC/SBWTDIO | External reset |
P6.1 | Data transmit |
P6.2 | Data receive |
DVCC, AVCC | Device power supply |
DVIO | I/O power supply |
DVSS | Ground supply |
When using the DVIO supply domain for the BSL, entry to the BSL requires a specific sequence on the RST/NMI and BSLEN pins. Table 9-5 lists the required pins and their functions. For further details on interfacing to development tools and device programmers, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide. For a complete description of the features of the BSL and its implementation, see the MSP430 Flash Device Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide. BSL firmware images are available for download in the Custom BSL430 package. The BSL on the DVIO supply domain uses the USCI_A0 module configured as a UART.
To invoke the BSL from the DVIO domain, the RST/NMI pin and the BSLEN pin must be used for the entry sequence (see Section 8.49). It is critical not to confuse the RST/NMI pin with the RSTDVCC/SBWTDIO pin. In many other MSP430 devices, SBWTDIO is shared with the RST/NMI pin, and RSTDVCC does not exist. Additional information can be found in Designing With MSP430F522x and MSP430F521x Devices.
RST/NMI | External reset |
BSLEN | Enable BSL |
P3.3 | Data transmit |
P3.4 | Data receive |
DVCC, AVCC | Device power supply |
DVIO | I/O power supply |
DVSS | Ground supply |