JAJSD97 April 2017 MSP430FR5989-EP
Figure 3-1 shows the pinout of the 64-pin RGC package.
TI recommends connecting the RGC package pad to VSS.NOTE:
On devices with UART BSL: P2.0: BSLTX; P2.1: BSLRXNOTE:
NAME | RGC | |
NO. | ||
P4.3/UCA0SOMI/ UCA0RXD/UCB1STE | 1 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A0: Slave out, master in (SPI mode), Receive data (UART mode) USCI_B1: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) |
P1.4/UCB0CLK/ UCA0STE/TA1.0 | 2 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B0: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) USCI_A0: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) Timer_A TA1 CCR0 capture: CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output |
P1.5/UCB0STE/ UCA0CLK/TA0.0 | 3 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B0: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) USCI_A0: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) Timer_A TA0 CCR0 capture: CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output |
P1.6/UCB0SIMO/ UCB0SDA/TA0.1 | 4 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B0: Slave in, master out (SPI mode), I2C data (I2C mode) BSL Data (I2C BSL) Timer_A TA0 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output |
P1.7/UCB0SOMI/ UCB0SCL/TA0.2 | 5 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B0: Slave out, master in (SPI mode), I2C clock (I2C mode) BSL Clock (I2C BSL) Timer_A TA0 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output |
P2.4/TB0.3 | 6 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR3 capture: CCI3A input, compare: Out3 output |
P2.5/TB0.4 | 7 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR4 capture: CCI4A input, compare: Out4 output |
P2.6/TB0.5/ESIC1OUT | 8 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR5 capture: CCI5A input, compare: Out5 output ESI Comparator 1 output |
P2.7/TB0.6/ESIC2OUT | 9 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR6 capture: CCI6A input, compare: Out6 output ESI Comparator 2 output |
P5.0/TA1.1/MCLK | 10 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output MCLK output |
P5.1/TA1.2 | 11 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output |
P5.2/TA1.0/TA1CLK/ACLK | 12 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR0 capture: CCI0B input, compare: Out0 output Timer_A TA1 clock signal TA0CLK input ACLK output |
P5.3/UCB1STE | 13 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B1: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) |
P3.0/UCB1CLK | 14 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B1: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) |
P3.1/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA | 15 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B1: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) USCI_B1: I2C data (I2C mode) |
P3.2/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL | 16 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B1: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) USCI_B1: I2C clock (I2C mode) |
DVSS1 | 17 | Digital ground supply |
DVCC1 | 18 | Digital power supply |
TEST/SBWTCK | 19 | Test mode pin - select digital I/O on JTAG pins Spy-Bi-Wire input clock |
RST/NMI/SBWTDIO | 20 | Reset input, active low Nonmaskable interrupt input Spy-Bi-Wire data input/output |
PJ.0/TDO/TB0OUTH/ SMCLK/SRSCG1 | 21 | General-purpose digital I/O Test data output port Switch all PWM outputs high impedance input - Timer_B TB0 SMCLK output Low-power debug: CPU Status register SCG1 |
PJ.1/TDI/TCLK/MCLK/SRSCG0 | 22 | General-purpose digital I/O Test data input or test clock input MCLK output Low-power debug: CPU Status register SCG0 |
PJ.2/TMS/ACLK/SROSCOFF | 23 | General-purpose digital I/O Test mode select ACLK output Low-power debug: CPU Status register OSCOFF |
PJ.3/TCK/COUT/SRCPUOFF | 24 | General-purpose digital I/O Test clock Comparator output Low-power debug: CPU Status register CPUOFF |
P3.3/TA1.1/TB0CLK | 25 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output Timer_B TB0 clock signal TB0CLK input |
P3.4/UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD/TB0.0 | 26 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A1: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) USCI_A1: Transmit data (UART mode) Timer_B TB0 CCR0 capture: CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output |
P3.5/UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD/TB0.1 | 27 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A1: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) USCI_A1: Receive data (UART mode) Timer_B TB0 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output |
P3.6/UCA1CLK/TB0.2 | 28 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A1: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) Timer_B TB0 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output |
P3.7/UCA1STE/TB0.3 | 29 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A1: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) Timer_B TB0 CCR3 capture: CCI3B input, compare: Out3 output |
P2.3/UCA0STE/TB0OUTH | 30 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A0: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) Switch all PWM outputs high impedance input - Timer_B TB0 |
P2.2/UCA0CLK/TB0.4/RTCCLK | 31 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A0: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) Timer_B TB0 CCR4 capture: CCI4B input, compare: Out4 output RTC clock output for calibration |
P2.1/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/TB0.5/ DMAE0 | 32 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A0: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) USCI_A0: Receive data (UART mode) BSL receive (UART BSL) Timer_B TB0 CCR5 capture: CCI5B input, compare: Out5 output DMA external trigger input |
P2.0/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/TB0.6/ TB0CLK | 33 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A0: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) USCI_A0: Transmit data (UART mode) BSL transmit (UART BSL) Timer_B TB0 CCR6 capture: CCI6B input, compare: Out6 output Timer_B TB0 clock signal TB0CLK input |
DVSS2 | 34 | Digital ground supply |
DVCC2 | 35 | Digital power supply |
P1.3/ESITEST4/TA1.2/A3/C3 | 36 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI test signal 4 Timer_A TA1 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output Analog input A3 Comparator input C3 |
P1.2/TA1.1/TA0CLK/COUT/A2/C2 | 37 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output Timer_A TA0 clock signal TA0CLK input Comparator output Analog input A2 Comparator input C2 |
P1.1/TA0.2/TA1CLK/ COUT/A1/C1/VREF+/ VeREF+ | 38 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A TA0 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output Timer_A TA1 clock signal TA1CLK input Comparator output Analog input A1 Comparator input C1 Output of positive reference voltage Input for an external positive reference voltage to the ADC |
P1.0/TA0.1/DMAE0/ RTCCLK/A0/C0/ VREF-/VeREF- | 39 | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A TA0 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output DMA external trigger input RTC clock output for calibration Analog input A0 Comparator input C0 Output of negative reference voltage Input for an external negative reference voltage to the ADC |
P9.0/ESICH0/ESITEST0/A8/C8 | 40 |
General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 0 sensor excitation output and signal input ESI test signal 0 Analog input A8; comparator input C8 |
P9.1/ESICH1/ESITEST1/ A9/C9 | 41 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 1 sensor excitation output and signal input ESI test signal 1 Analog input A9 Comparator input C9 |
P9.2/ESICH2/ESITEST2/A10/C10 | 42 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 2 sensor excitation output and signal input ESI test signal 2 Analog input A10 Comparator input C10 |
P9.3/ESICH3/ESITEST3/A11/C11 | 43 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 3 sensor excitation output and signal input ESI test signal 3 Analog input A11 Comparator input C11 |
P9.4/ESICI0/A12/C12 | 44 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 0 signal input to comparator Analog input A12 Comparator input C12 |
P9.5/ESICI1/A13/C13 | 45 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 1 signal input to comparator Analog input A13 Comparator input C13 |
P9.6/ESICI2/A14/C14 | 46 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 2 signal input to comparator Analog input A14 Comparator input C14 |
P9.7/ESICI3/A15/C15 | 47 | General-purpose digital I/O ESI channel 3 signal input to comparator Analog input A15 Comparator input C15 |
ESIDVCC | 48 | ESI Power supply |
ESIDVSS | 49 | ESI Ground supply |
ESICI | 50 | ESI Scan IF input to Comparator |
ESICOM | 51 | ESI Common termination for Scan IF sensors |
AVCC1 | 52 | Analog power supply |
AVSS3 | 53 | Analog ground supply |
PJ.7/HFXOUT | 54 | General-purpose digital I/O Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT2 |
PJ.6/HFXIN | 55 | General-purpose digital I/O Input terminal for crystal oscillator XT2 |
AVSS1 | 56 | Analog ground supply |
PJ.4/LFXIN | 57 | General-purpose digital I/O Input terminal for crystal oscillator XT1 |
PJ.5/LFXOUT | 58 | General-purpose digital I/O Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT1 |
AVSS2 | 59 | Analog ground supply |
P4.0/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/MCLK | 60 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B1: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) USCI_B1: I2C data (I2C mode) MCLK output |
P4.1/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/ACLK | 61 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_B1: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) USCI_B1: I2C clock (I2C mode) ACLK output |
DVSS3 | 62 | Digital ground supply |
DVCC3 | 63 | Digital power supply |
P4.2/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/ UCB1CLK | 64 | General-purpose digital I/O USCI_A0: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) USCI_A0: Transmit data (UART mode) USCI_B1: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) |
Thermal pad | Pad | RGC package only. QFN package exposed thermal pad. TI recommends connection to VSS. |
Pin multiplexing for these devices is controlled by both register settings and operating modes (for example, if the device is in test mode). For details of the settings for each pin and schematics of the multiplexed ports, see Section 5.11.24.
Table 3-2 lists the correct termination of all unused pins.
Px.0 to Px.7 | Open | Switched to port function, output direction (PxDIR.n = 1) |
R33/LCDCAP | DVSS or DVCC | If not used the pin can be tied to either supplies. |
ESICOM | Open | |
ESICI | Open | |
RST/NMI | DVCC or VCC | 47-kΩ pullup or internal pullup selected with 2.2-nF (10-nF(2)) pulldown. |
Open | The JTAG pins are shared with general-purpose I/O function (PJ.x). If not being used, these should be switched to port function, output direction. When used as JTAG pins, these pins should remain open. |
TEST | Open | This pin always has an internal pulldown enabled. |