SLASEV3A March 2020 – December 2020 MSP430FR6005 , MSP430FR6007
For complete module register descriptions, see the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide. Table 9-46 lists the base and end addresses of the registers for each peripheral.
Special Functions (see Table 9-47) | 0100h | 011Fh |
PMM (see Table 9-48) | 0120h | 013Fh |
FRAM Control (see Table 9-49) | 0140h | 014Fh |
CRC (see Table 9-50) | 0150h | 0157h |
RAM Control (see Table 9-51) | 0158h | 0159h |
Watchdog (see Table 9-52) | 015Ch | 015Dh |
CS (see Table 9-53) | 0160h | 016Fh |
SYS (see Table 9-54) | 0180h | 019Fh |
Shared Reference (see Table 9-55) | 01B0h | 01B1h |
Digital I/O (see Table 9-56) | 0200h | 033Fh |
TA0 (see Table 9-57) | 0340h | 036Fh |
TA1 (see Table 9-58) | 0380h | 03AFh |
TB0 (see Table 9-59) | 03C0h | 03EFh |
TA2 (see Table 9-60) | 0400h | 042Fh |
TA3 (see Table 9-61) | 0440h | 046Fh |
RTC_C (see Table 9-62) | 04A0h | 04BFh |
32-Bit Hardware Multiplier (see Table 9-63) | 04C0h | 04EFh |
DMA (see Table 9-64) | 0500h | 056Fh |
MPU Control (see Table 9-65) | 05A0h | 05AFh |
eUSCI_A0 (see Table 9-66) | 05C0h | 05DFh |
eUSCI_A1 (see Table 9-67) | 05E0h | 05FFh |
eUSCI_A2 (see Table 9-68) | 0600h | 061Fh |
eUSCI_A3 (see Table 9-69) | 0620h | 063Fh |
eUSCI_B0 (see Table 9-70) | 0640h | 066Fh |
eUSCI_B1 (see Table 9-71) | 0680h | 06AFh |
TA4 (see Table 9-72) | 07C0h | 07EFh |
ADC12_B (see Table 9-73) | 0800h | 089Fh |
Comparator E (see Table 9-74) | 08C0h | 08CFh |
CRC32 (see Table 9-75) | 0980h | 09AFh |
AES256 (see Table 9-76) | 09C0h | 09CFh |
LCD_C (see Table 9-77) | 0A00h | 0A5Fh |
LEA (see Table 9-78) | 0A80h | 0AFFh |
SAPH (see Table 9-79) | 0E00h | 0E7Fh |
SDHS (see Table 9-80) | 0E80h | 0EBFh |
UUPS (see Table 9-81) | 0EC0h | 0EDFh |
HSPLL (see Table 9-82) | 0EE0h | 0EFFh |
Interrupt Enable | SFRIE1 | 0100h |
Interrupt Flag | SFRIFG1 | 0102h |
Reset Pin Control | SFRRPCR | 0104h |
PMM Control 0 | PMMCTL0 | 0120h |
PMM Interrupt Flag | PMMIFG | 012Ah |
Power Mode 5 Control 0 | PM5CTL0 | 0130h |
FRAM Controller A Control 0 | FRCTL0 | 0140h |
General Control 0 | GCCTL0 | 0144h |
General Control 1 | GCCTL1 | 0146h |
CRC Data In | CRCDI | 0150h |
CRC Data In Reverse Byte | CRCDIRB | 0152h |
CRC Initialization and Result | CRCINIRES | 0154h |
CRC Result Reverse | CRCRESR | 0156h |
RAM Controller Control 0 | RCCTL0 | 0158h |
RAM Controller Control 1 | RCCTL1 | 015Ah |
Watchdog Timer Control | WDTCTL | 015Ch |
Clock System Control 0 | CSCTL0 | 0160h |
Clock System Control 1 | CSCTL1 | 0162h |
Clock System Control 2 | CSCTL2 | 0164h |
Clock System Control 3 | CSCTL3 | 0166h |
Clock System Control 4 | CSCTL4 | 0168h |
Clock System Control 5 | CSCTL5 | 016Ah |
Clock System Control 6 | CSCTL6 | 016Ch |
System Control | SYSCTL | 0180h |
JTAG Mailbox Control | SYSJMBC | 0186h |
JTAG Mailbox Input | SYSJMBI0 | 0188h |
JTAG Mailbox Input | SYSJMBI1 | 018Ah |
JTAG Mailbox Output | SYSJMBO0 | 018Ch |
JTAG Mailbox Output | SYSJMBO1 | 018Eh |
User NMI Vector Generator | SYSUNIV | 019Ah |
System NMI Vector Generator | SYSSNIV | 019Ch |
Reset Vector Generator | SYSRSTIV | 019Eh |
REF Control 0 | REFCTL0 | 01B0h |
Port A Input | PAIN | 0200h |
Port 1 Input | P1IN | 0200h |
Port 2 Input | P2IN | 0201h |
Port A Output | PAOUT | 0202h |
Port 1 Output | P1OUT | 0202h |
Port 2 Output | P2OUT | 0203h |
Port A Direction | PADIR | 0204h |
Port 1 Direction | P1DIR | 0204h |
Port 2 Direction | P2DIR | 0205h |
Port A Resistor Enable | PAREN | 0206h |
Port 1 Resistor Enable | P1REN | 0206h |
Port 2 Resistor Enable | P2REN | 0207h |
Port A Select 0 | PASEL0 | 020Ah |
Port 1 Select 0 | P1SEL0 | 020Ah |
Port 2 Select 0 | P2SEL0 | 020Bh |
Port A Select 1 | PASEL1 | 020Ch |
Port 1 Select 1 | P1SEL1 | 020Ch |
Port 2 Select 1 | P2SEL1 | 020Dh |
Port 1 Interrupt Vector | P1IV | 020Eh |
Port A Complement Select | PASELC | 0216h |
Port 1 Complement Select | P1SELC | 0216h |
Port 2 Complement Select | P2SELC | 0217h |
Port A Interrupt Edge Select | PAIES | 0218h |
Port 1 Interrupt Edge Select | P1IES | 0218h |
Port 2 Interrupt Edge Select | P2IES | 0219h |
Port A Interrupt Enable | PAIE | 021Ah |
Port 1 Interrupt Enable | P1IE | 021Ah |
Port 2 Interrupt Enable | P2IE | 021Bh |
Port A Interrupt Flag | PAIFG | 021Ch |
Port 1 Interrupt Flag | P1IFG | 021Ch |
Port 2 Interrupt Flag | P2IFG | 021Dh |
Port 2 Interrupt Vector | P2IV | 021Eh |
Port B Input | PBIN | 0220h |
Port 3 Input | P3IN | 0220h |
Port 4 Input | P4IN | 0221h |
Port B Output | PBOUT | 0222h |
Port 3 Output | P3OUT | 0222h |
Port 4 Output | P4OUT | 0223h |
Port B Direction | PBDIR | 0224h |
Port 3 Direction | P3DIR | 0224h |
Port 4 Direction | P4DIR | 0225h |
Port B Resistor Enable | PBREN | 0226h |
Port 3 Resistor Enable | P3REN | 0226h |
Port 4 Resistor Enable | P4REN | 0227h |
Port B Select 0 | PBSEL0 | 022Ah |
Port 3 Select 0 | P3SEL0 | 022Ah |
Port 4 Select 0 | P4SEL0 | 022Bh |
Port B Select 1 | PBSEL1 | 022Ch |
Port 3 Select 1 | P3SEL1 | 022Ch |
Port 4 Select 1 | P4SEL1 | 022Dh |
Port 3 Interrupt Vector | P3IV | 022Eh |
Port B Complement Select | PBSELC | 0236h |
Port 3 Complement Select | P3SELC | 0236h |
Port 4 Complement Select | P4SELC | 0237h |
Port B Interrupt Edge Select | PBIES | 0238h |
Port 3 Interrupt Edge Select | P3IES | 0238h |
Port 4 Interrupt Edge Select | P4IES | 0239h |
Port B Interrupt Enable | PBIE | 023Ah |
Port 3 Interrupt Enable | P3IE | 023Ah |
Port 4 Interrupt Enable | P4IE | 023Bh |
Port B Interrupt Flag | PBIFG | 023Ch |
Port 3 Interrupt Flag | P3IFG | 023Ch |
Port 4 Interrupt Flag | P4IFG | 023Dh |
Port 4 Interrupt Vector | P4IV | 023Eh |
Port C Input | PCIN | 0240h |
Port 5 Input | P5IN | 0240h |
Port 6 Input | P6IN | 0241h |
Port C Output | PCOUT | 0242h |
Port 5 Output | P5OUT | 0242h |
Port 6 Output | P6OUT | 0243h |
Port C Direction | PCDIR | 0244h |
Port 5 Direction | P5DIR | 0244h |
Port 6 Direction | P6DIR | 0245h |
Port C Resistor Enable | PCREN | 0246h |
Port 5 Resistor Enable | P5REN | 0246h |
Port 6 Resistor Enable | P6REN | 0247h |
Port C Select 0 | PCSEL0 | 024Ah |
Port 5 Select 0 | P5SEL0 | 024Ah |
Port 6 Select 0 | P6SEL0 | 024Bh |
Port C Select 1 | PCSEL1 | 024Ch |
Port 5 Select 1 | P5SEL1 | 024Ch |
Port 6 Select 1 | P6SEL1 | 024Dh |
Port 5 Interrupt Vector | P5IV | 024Eh |
Port C Complement Select | PCSELC | 0256h |
Port 5 Complement Select | P5SELC | 0256h |
Port 6 Complement Select | P6SELC | 0257h |
Port C Interrupt Edge Select | PCIES | 0258h |
Port 5 Interrupt Edge Select | P5IES | 0258h |
Port 6 Interrupt Edge Select | P6IES | 0259h |
Port C Interrupt Enable | PCIE | 025Ah |
Port 5 Interrupt Enable | P5IE | 025Ah |
Port 6 Interrupt Enable | P6IE | 025Bh |
Port C Interrupt Flag | PCIFG | 025Ch |
Port 5 Interrupt Flag | P5IFG | 025Ch |
Port 6 Interrupt Flag | P6IFG | 025Dh |
Port 6 Interrupt Vector | P6IV | 025Eh |
Port D Input | PDIN | 0260h |
Port 7 Input | P7IN | 0260h |
Port 8 Input | P8IN | 0261h |
Port D Output | PDOUT | 0262h |
Port 7 Output | P7OUT | 0262h |
Port 8 Output | P8OUT | 0263h |
Port D Direction | PDDIR | 0264h |
Port 7 Direction | P7DIR | 0264h |
Port 8 Direction | P8DIR | 0265h |
Port D Resistor Enable | PDREN | 0266h |
Port 7 Resistor Enable | P7REN | 0266h |
Port 8 Resistor Enable | P8REN | 0267h |
Port D Select 0 | PDSEL0 | 026Ah |
Port 7 Select 0 | P7SEL0 | 026Ah |
Port 8 Select 0 | P8SEL0 | 026Bh |
Port D Select 1 | PDSEL1 | 026Ch |
Port 7 Select 1 | P7SEL1 | 026Ch |
Port 8 Select 1 | P8SEL1 | 026Dh |
Port 7 Interrupt Vector | P7IV | 026Eh |
Port D Complement Select | PDSELC | 0276h |
Port 7 Complement Select | P7SELC | 0276h |
Port 8 Complement Select | P8SELC | 0277h |
Port D Interrupt Edge Select | PDIES | 0278h |
Port 7 Interrupt Edge Select | P7IES | 0278h |
Port 8 Interrupt Edge Select | P8IES | 0279h |
Port D Interrupt Enable | PDIE | 027Ah |
Port 7 Interrupt Enable | P7IE | 027Ah |
Port 8 Interrupt Enable | P8IE | 027Bh |
Port D Interrupt Flag | PDIFG | 027Ch |
Port 7 Interrupt Flag | P7IFG | 027Ch |
Port 8 Interrupt Flag | P8IFG | 027Dh |
Port 8 Interrupt Vector | P8IV | 027Eh |
Port E Input | PEIN | 0280h |
Port 9 Input | P9IN | 0280h |
Port E Output | PEOUT | 0282h |
Port 9 Output | P9OUT | 0282h |
Port E Direction | PEDIR | 0284h |
Port 9 Direction | P9DIR | 0284h |
Port E Resistor Enable | PEREN | 0286h |
Port 9 Resistor Enable | P9REN | 0286h |
Port E Select 0 | PESEL0 | 028Ah |
Port 9 Select 0 | P9SEL0 | 028Ah |
Port E Select 1 | PESEL1 | 028Ch |
Port 9 Select 1 | P9SEL1 | 028Ch |
Port 9 Interrupt Vector | P9IV | 028Eh |
Port E Complement Select | PESELC | 0296h |
Port 9 Complement Select | P9SELC | 0296h |
Port E Interrupt Edge Select | PEIES | 0298h |
Port 9 Interrupt Edge Select | P9IES | 0298h |
Port E Interrupt Enable | PEIE | 029Ah |
Port 9 Interrupt Enable | P9IE | 029Ah |
Port E Interrupt Flag | PEIFG | 029Ch |
Port 9 Interrupt Flag | P9IFG | 029Ch |
Port J Input | PJIN | 0320h |
Port J Output | PJOUT | 0322h |
Port J Direction | PJDIR | 0324h |
Port J Resistor Enable | PJREN | 0326h |
Port J Select 0 | PJSEL0 | 032Ah |
Port J Select 1 | PJSEL1 | 032Ch |
Port J Complement Select | PJSELC | 0336h |
Timer_A0 Control | TA0CTL | 0340h |
Timer_A0 Capture/Compare Control | TA0CCTL0 | 0342h |
Timer_A0 Capture/Compare Control | TA0CCTL1 | 0344h |
Timer_A0 Capture/Compare Control | TA0CCTL2 | 0346h |
Timer_A0 Counter | TA0R | 0350h |
Timer_A0 Capture/Compare | TA0CCR0 | 0352h |
Timer_A0 Capture/Compare | TA0CCR1 | 0354h |
Timer_A0 Capture/Compare | TA0CCR2 | 0356h |
Timer_A0 Expansion 0 | TA0EX0 | 0360h |
Timer_A0 Interrupt Vector | TA0IV | 036Eh |
Timer_A1 Control | TA1CTL | 0380h |
Timer_A1 Capture/Compare Control | TA1CCTL0 | 0382h |
Timer_A1 Capture/Compare Control | TA1CCTL1 | 0384h |
Timer_A1 Capture/Compare Control | TA1CCTL2 | 0386h |
Timer_A1 Counter | TA1R | 0390h |
Timer_A1 Capture/Compare | TA1CCR0 | 0392h |
Timer_A1 Capture/Compare | TA1CCR1 | 0394h |
Timer_A1 Capture/Compare | TA1CCR2 | 0396h |
Timer_A1 Expansion 0 | TA1EX0 | 03A0h |
Timer_A1 Interrupt Vector | TA1IV | 03AEh |
Timer_B0 Control | TB0CTL | 03C0h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare Control | TB0CCTL0 | 03C2h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare Control | TB0CCTL1 | 03C4h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare Control | TB0CCTL2 | 03C6h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare Control | TB0CCTL3 | 03C8h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare Control | TB0CCTL4 | 03CAh |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare Control | TB0CCTL5 | 03CCh |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare Control | TB0CCTL6 | 03CEh |
Timer_B0 Counter | TB0R | 03D0h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare | TB0CCR0 | 03D2h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare | TB0CCR1 | 03D4h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare | TB0CCR2 | 03D6h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare | TB0CCR3 | 03D8h |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare | TB0CCR4 | 03DAh |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare | TB0CCR5 | 03DCh |
Timer_B0 Capture/Compare | TB0CCR6 | 03DEh |
Timer_B0 Expansion 0 | TB0EX0 | 03E0h |
Timer_B0 Interrupt Vector | TB0IV | 03EEh |
Timer_A2 Control | TA2CTL | 0400h |
Timer_A2 Capture/Compare Control | TA2CCTL0 | 0402h |
Timer_A2 Capture/Compare Control | TA2CCTL1 | 0404h |
Timer_A2 Counter | TA2R | 0410h |
Timer_A2 Capture/Compare | TA2CCR0 | 0412h |
Timer_A2 Capture/Compare | TA2CCR1 | 0414h |
Timer_A2 Expansion 0 | TA2EX0 | 0420h |
Timer_A2 Interrupt Vector | TA2IV | 042Eh |
Timer_A3 Control | TA3CTL | 0440h |
Timer_A3 Capture/Compare Control | TA3CCTL0 | 0442h |
Timer_A3 Capture/Compare Control | TA3CCTL1 | 0444h |
Timer_A3 Counter | TA3R | 0450h |
Timer_A3 Capture/Compare | TA3CCR0 | 0452h |
Timer_A3 Capture/Compare | TA3CCR1 | 0454h |
Timer_A3 Expansion 0 | TA3EX0 | 0460h |
Timer_A3 Interrupt Vector | TA3IV | 046Eh |
Real-Time Clock Control 0 | RTCCTL0 | 04A0h |
Real-Time Clock Control 1, 3 | RTCCTL13 | 04A2h |
Real-Time Clock Offset Calibration | RTCOCAL | 04A4h |
Real-Time Clock Temperature Compensation | RTCTCMP | 04A6h |
Real-Time Clock Prescale Timer 0 Control | RTCPS0CTL | 04A8h |
Real-Time Clock Prescale Timer 1 Control | RTCPS1CTL | 04AAh |
Real-Time Clock Prescale Timer Counter | RTCPS | 04ACh |
Prescale Timer 0 Counter Value | RT0PS | 04ACh |
Prescale Timer 1 Counter Value | RT1PS | 04ADh |
Real-Time Clock Interrupt Vector | RTCIV | 04AEh |
Real-Time Clock Seconds and Minutes | RTCTIM0 | 04B0h |
Real-Time Clock Hour, Day of Week | RTCTIM1 | 04B2h |
Real-Time Clock Date | RTCDATE | 04B4h |
Real-Time Clock Year | RTCYEAR | 04B6h |
Real-Time Clock Minute and Hour | RTCAMINHR | 04B8h |
Real-Time Clock Alarm Day of Week and Day | RTCADOWDAY | 04BAh |
Binary-to-BCD Conversion | BIN2BCD | 04BCh |
BCD-to-Binary Conversion | BCD2BIN | 04BEh |
16-bit operand one – multiply | MPY | 04C0h |
16-bit operand one – signed multiply | MPYS | 04C2h |
16-bit operand one – multiply accumulate | MAC | 04C4h |
16-bit operand one – signed multiply accumulate | MACS | 04C6h |
16-bit operand two | OP2 | 04C8h |
16x16-bit result low word | RESLO | 04CAh |
16x16-bit result high word | RESHI | 04CCh |
16x16-bit sum extension | SUMEXT | 04CEh |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply – low word | MPY32L | 04D0h |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply – high word | MPY32H | 04D2h |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply – low word | MPYS32L | 04D4h |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply – high word | MPYS32H | 04D6h |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate – low word | MAC32L | 04D8h |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate – high word | MAC32H | 04DAh |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate – low word | MACS32L | 04DCh |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate – high word | MACS32H | 04DEh |
32-bit operand 2 – low word | OP2L | 04E0h |
32-bit operand 2 – high word | OP2H | 04E2h |
32x32-bit result 0 – least significant word | RES0 | 04E4h |
32x32-bit result 1 | RES1 | 04E6h |
32x32-bit result 2 | RES2 | 04E8h |
32x32-bit result 3 – most significant word | RES3 | 04EAh |
MPY32 control 0 | MPY32CTL0 | 04ECh |
DMA Control 0 | DMACTL0 | 0500h |
DMA Control 1 | DMACTL1 | 0502h |
DMA Control 2 | DMACTL2 | 0504h |
DMA Control 4 | DMACTL4 | 0508h |
DMA Interrupt Vector | DMAIV | 050Eh |
DMA Channel 0 Control | DMA0CTL | 0510h |
DMA Channel 0 Source Address | DMA0SA | 0512h |
DMA Channel 0 Destination Address | DMA0DA | 0516h |
DMA Channel 0 Transfer Size | DMA0SZ | 051Ah |
DMA Channel 1 Control | DMA1CTL | 0520h |
DMA Channel 1 Source Address | DMA1SA | 0522h |
DMA Channel 1 Destination Address | DMA1DA | 0526h |
DMA Channel 1 Transfer Size | DMA1SZ | 052Ah |
DMA Channel 2 Control | DMA2CTL | 0530h |
DMA Channel 2 Source Address | DMA2SA | 0532h |
DMA Channel 2 Destination Address | DMA2DA | 0536h |
DMA Channel 2 Transfer Size | DMA2SZ | 053Ah |
DMA Channel 3 Control | DMA3CTL | 0540h |
DMA Channel 3 Source Address | DMA3SA | 0542h |
DMA Channel 3 Destination Address | DMA3DA | 0546h |
DMA Channel 3 Transfer Size | DMA3SZ | 054Ah |
DMA Channel 4 Control | DMA4CTL | 0550h |
DMA Channel 4 Source Address | DMA4SA | 0552h |
DMA Channel 4 Destination Address | DMA4DA | 0556h |
DMA Channel 4 Transfer Size | DMA4SZ | 055Ah |
DMA Channel 5 Control | DMA5CTL | 0560h |
DMA Channel 5 Source Address | DMA5SA | 0562h |
DMA Channel 5 Destination Address | DMA5DA | 0566h |
DMA Channel 5 Transfer Size | DMA5SZ | 056Ah |
Memory Protection Unit Control 0 | MPUCTL0 | 05A0h |
Memory Protection Unit Control 1 | MPUCTL1 | 05A2h |
Memory Protection Unit Segmentation Border 2 Register | MPUSEGB2 | 05A4h |
Memory Protection Unit Segmentation Border 1 Register | MPUSEGB1 | 05A6h |
Memory Protection Unit Segmentation Access Management Register | MPUSAM | 05A8h |
Memory Protection Unit IP Control 0 Register | MPUIPC0 | 05AAh |
Memory Protection Unit IP Encapsulation Segment Border 2 Register | MPUIPSEGB2 | 05ACh |
Memory Protection Unit IP Encapsulation Segment Border 1 Register | MPUIPSEGB1 | 05AEh |
eUSCI_A0 Control Word Register 0 | UCA0CTLW0 | 05C0h |
eUSCI_A0 Control Word Register 1 | UCA0CTLW1 | 05C2h |
eUSCI_A0 Baud Rate Control Word | UCA0BRW | 05C6h |
eUSCI_A0 Modulation Control Word | UCA0MCTLW | 05C8h |
eUSCI_A0 Status Register | UCA0STATW | 05CAh |
eUSCI_A0 Receive Buffer | UCA0RXBUF | 05CCh |
eUSCI_A0 Transmit Buffer | UCA0TXBUF | 05CEh |
eUSCI_A0 Auto Baud Rate Control | UCA0ABCTL | 05D0h |
eUSCI_A0 IrDA Control Word | UCA0IRCTL | 05D2h |
eUSCI_A0 Interrupt Enable | UCA0IE | 05DAh |
eUSCI_A0 Interrupt Flag | UCA0IFG | 05DCh |
eUSCI_A0 Interrupt Vector | UCA0IV | 05DEh |
eUSCI_A1 Control Word Register 0 | UCA1CTLW0 | 05E0h |
eUSCI_A1 Control Word Register 1 | UCA1CTLW1 | 05E2h |
eUSCI_A1 Baud Rate Control Word | UCA1BRW | 05E6h |
eUSCI_A1 Modulation Control Word | UCA1MCTLW | 05E8h |
eUSCI_A1 Status Register | UCA1STATW | 05EAh |
eUSCI_A1 Receive Buffer | UCA1RXBUF | 05ECh |
eUSCI_A1 Transmit Buffer | UCA1TXBUF | 05EEh |
eUSCI_A1 Auto Baud Rate Control | UCA1ABCTL | 05F0h |
eUSCI_A1 IrDA Control Word | UCA1IRCTL | 05F2h |
eUSCI_A1 Interrupt Enable | UCA1IE | 05FAh |
eUSCI_A1 Interrupt Flag | UCA1IFG | 05FCh |
eUSCI_A1 Interrupt Vector | UCA1IV | 05FEh |
eUSCI_A2 Control Word Register 0 | UCA2CTLW0 | 0600h |
eUSCI_A2 Control Word Register 1 | UCA2CTLW1 | 0602h |
eUSCI_A2 Baud Rate Control Word | UCA2BRW | 0606h |
eUSCI_A2 Modulation Control Word | UCA2MCTLW | 0608h |
eUSCI_A2 Status Register | UCA2STATW | 060Ah |
eUSCI_A2 Receive Buffer | UCA2RXBUF | 060Ch |
eUSCI_A2 Transmit Buffer | UCA2TXBUF | 060Eh |
eUSCI_A2 Auto Baud Rate Control | UCA2ABCTL | 0610h |
eUSCI_A2 IrDA Control Word | UCA2IRCTL | 0612h |
eUSCI_A2 Interrupt Enable | UCA2IE | 061Ah |
eUSCI_A2 Interrupt Flag | UCA2IFG | 061Ch |
eUSCI_A2 Interrupt Vector | UCA2IV | 061Eh |
eUSCI_A3 Control Word Register 0 | UCA3CTLW0 | 0620h |
eUSCI_A3 Control Word Register 1 | UCA3CTLW1 | 0622h |
eUSCI_A3 Baud Rate Control Word | UCA3BRW | 0626h |
eUSCI_A3 Modulation Control Word | UCA3MCTLW | 0628h |
eUSCI_A3 Status Register | UCA3STATW | 062Ah |
eUSCI_A3 Receive Buffer | UCA3RXBUF | 062Ch |
eUSCI_A3 Transmit Buffer | UCA3TXBUF | 062Eh |
eUSCI_A3 Auto Baud Rate Control | UCA3ABCTL | 0630h |
eUSCI_A3 IrDA Control Word | UCA3IRCTL | 0632h |
eUSCI_A3 Interrupt Enable | UCA3IE | 063Ah |
eUSCI_A3 Interrupt Flag | UCA3IFG | 063Ch |
eUSCI_A3 Interrupt Vector | UCA3IV | 063Eh |
eUSCI_B0 Control Word Register 0 | UCB0CTLW0 | 0640h |
eUSCI_B0 Control Word Register 1 | UCB0CTLW1 | 0642h |
eUSCI_B0 Baud Rate Control Word | UCB0BRW | 0646h |
eUSCI_B0 Status Register | UCB0STATW | 0648h |
eUSCI_B0 Byte Counter Threshold | UCB0TBCNT | 064Ah |
eUSCI_B0 Receive Buffer | UCB0RXBUF | 064Ch |
eUSCI_B0 Transmit Buffer | UCB0TXBUF | 064Eh |
eUSCI_B0 I2C Own Address 0 | UCB0I2COA0 | 0654h |
eUSCI_B0 I2C Own Address 1 | UCB0I2COA1 | 0656h |
eUSCI_B0 I2C Own Address 2 | UCB0I2COA2 | 0658h |
eUSCI_B0 I2C Own Address 3 | UCB0I2COA3 | 065Ah |
eUSCI_B0 I2C Received Address | UCB0ADDRX | 065Ch |
eUSCI_B0 I2C Address Mask | UCB0ADDMASK | 065Eh |
eUSCI_B0 I2C Slave Address | UCB0I2CSA | 0660h |
eUSCI_B0 Interrupt Enable | UCB0IE | 066Ah |
eUSCI_B0 Interrupt Flag | UCB0IFG | 066Ch |
eUSCI_B0 Interrupt Vector | UCB0IV | 066Eh |
eUSCI_B1 Control Word Register 0 | UCB1CTLW0 | 0680h |
eUSCI_B1 Control Word Register 1 | UCB1CTLW1 | 0682h |
eUSCI_B1 Baud Rate Control Word | UCB1BRW | 0686h |
eUSCI_B1 Status Register | UCB1STATW | 0688h |
eUSCI_B1 Byte Counter Threshold | UCB1TBCNT | 068Ah |
eUSCI_B1 Receive Buffer | UCB1RXBUF | 068Ch |
eUSCI_B1 Transmit Buffer | UCB1TXBUF | 068Eh |
eUSCI_B1 I2C Own Address 0 | UCB1I2COA0 | 0694h |
eUSCI_B1 I2C Own Address 1 | UCB1I2COA1 | 0696h |
eUSCI_B1 I2C Own Address 2 | UCB1I2COA2 | 0698h |
eUSCI_B1 I2C Own Address 3 | UCB1I2COA3 | 069Ah |
eUSCI_B1 I2C Received Address | UCB1ADDRX | 069Ch |
eUSCI_B1 I2C Address Mask | UCB1ADDMASK | 069Eh |
eUSCI_B1 I2C Slave Address | UCB1I2CSA | 06A0h |
eUSCI_B1 Interrupt Enable | UCB1IE | 06AAh |
eUSCI_B1 Interrupt Flag | UCB1IFG | 06ACh |
eUSCI_B1 Interrupt Vector | UCB1IV | 06AEh |
Timer_A4 Control | TA4CTL | 07C0h |
Timer_A4 Capture/Compare Control | TA4CCTL0 | 07C2h |
Timer_A4 Capture/Compare Control | TA4CCTL1 | 07C4h |
Timer_A4 Counter | TA4R | 07D0h |
Timer_A4 Capture/Compare | TA4CCR0 | 07D2h |
Timer_A4 Capture/Compare | TA4CCR1 | 07D4h |
Timer_A4 Expansion 0 | TA4EX0 | 07E0h |
Timer_A4 Interrupt Vector | TA4IV | 07EEh |
ADC12_B Control 0 | ADC12CTL0 | 0800h |
ADC12_B Control 1 | ADC12CTL1 | 0802h |
ADC12_B Control 2 | ADC12CTL2 | 0804h |
ADC12_B Control 3 | ADC12CTL3 | 0806h |
ADC12_B Window Comparator Low Threshold Register | ADC12LO | 0808h |
ADC12_B Window Comparator High Threshold Register | ADC12HI | 080Ah |
ADC12_B Interrupt Flag 0 | ADC12IFGR0 | 080Ch |
ADC12_B Interrupt Flag 1 | ADC12IFGR1 | 080Eh |
ADC12_B Interrupt Flag 2 | ADC12IFGR2 | 0810h |
ADC12_B Interrupt Enable 0 | ADC12IER0 | 0812h |
ADC12_B Interrupt Enable 1 | ADC12IER1 | 0814h |
ADC12_B Interrupt Enable 2 | ADC12IER2 | 0816h |
ADC12_B Interrupt Vector | ADC12IV | 0818h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 0 | ADC12MCTL0 | 0820h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 1 | ADC12MCTL1 | 0822h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 2 | ADC12MCTL2 | 0824h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 3 | ADC12MCTL3 | 0826h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 4 | ADC12MCTL4 | 0828h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 5 | ADC12MCTL5 | 082Ah |
ADC12_B Memory Control 6 | ADC12MCTL6 | 082Ch |
ADC12_B Memory Control 7 | ADC12MCTL7 | 082Eh |
ADC12_B Memory Control 8 | ADC12MCTL8 | 0830h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 9 | ADC12MCTL9 | 0832h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 10 | ADC12MCTL10 | 0834h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 11 | ADC12MCTL11 | 0836h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 12 | ADC12MCTL12 | 0838h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 13 | ADC12MCTL13 | 083Ah |
ADC12_B Memory Control 14 | ADC12MCTL14 | 083Ch |
ADC12_B Memory Control 15 | ADC12MCTL15 | 083Eh |
ADC12_B Memory Control 16 | ADC12MCTL16 | 0840h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 17 | ADC12MCTL17 | 0842h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 18 | ADC12MCTL18 | 0844h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 19 | ADC12MCTL19 | 0846h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 20 | ADC12MCTL20 | 0848h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 21 | ADC12MCTL21 | 084Ah |
ADC12_B Memory Control 22 | ADC12MCTL22 | 084Ch |
ADC12_B Memory Control 23 | ADC12MCTL23 | 084Eh |
ADC12_B Memory Control 24 | ADC12MCTL24 | 0850h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 25 | ADC12MCTL25 | 0852h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 26 | ADC12MCTL26 | 0854h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 27 | ADC12MCTL27 | 0856h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 28 | ADC12MCTL28 | 0858h |
ADC12_B Memory Control 29 | ADC12MCTL29 | 085Ah |
ADC12_B Memory Control 30 | ADC12MCTL30 | 085Ch |
ADC12_B Memory Control 31 | ADC12MCTL31 | 085Eh |
ADC12_B Memory 0 | ADC12MEM0 | 0860h |
ADC12_B Memory 1 | ADC12MEM1 | 0862h |
ADC12_B Memory 2 | ADC12MEM2 | 0864h |
ADC12_B Memory 3 | ADC12MEM3 | 0866h |
ADC12_B Memory 4 | ADC12MEM4 | 0868h |
ADC12_B Memory 5 | ADC12MEM5 | 086Ah |
ADC12_B Memory 6 | ADC12MEM6 | 086Ch |
ADC12_B Memory 7 | ADC12MEM7 | 086Eh |
ADC12_B Memory 8 | ADC12MEM8 | 0870h |
ADC12_B Memory 9 | ADC12MEM9 | 0872h |
ADC12_B Memory 10 | ADC12MEM10 | 0874h |
ADC12_B Memory 11 | ADC12MEM11 | 0876h |
ADC12_B Memory 12 | ADC12MEM12 | 0878h |
ADC12_B Memory 13 | ADC12MEM13 | 087Ah |
ADC12_B Memory 14 | ADC12MEM14 | 087Ch |
ADC12_B Memory 15 | ADC12MEM15 | 087Eh |
ADC12_B Memory 16 | ADC12MEM16 | 0880h |
ADC12_B Memory 17 | ADC12MEM17 | 0882h |
ADC12_B Memory 18 | ADC12MEM18 | 0884h |
ADC12_B Memory 19 | ADC12MEM19 | 0886h |
ADC12_B Memory 20 | ADC12MEM20 | 0888h |
ADC12_B Memory 21 | ADC12MEM21 | 088Ah |
ADC12_B Memory 22 | ADC12MEM22 | 088Ch |
ADC12_B Memory 23 | ADC12MEM23 | 088Eh |
ADC12_B Memory 24 | ADC12MEM24 | 0890h |
ADC12_B Memory 25 | ADC12MEM25 | 0892h |
ADC12_B Memory 26 | ADC12MEM26 | 0894h |
ADC12_B Memory 27 | ADC12MEM27 | 0896h |
ADC12_B Memory 28 | ADC12MEM28 | 0898h |
ADC12_B Memory 29 | ADC12MEM29 | 089Ah |
ADC12_B Memory 30 | ADC12MEM30 | 089Ch |
ADC12_B Memory 31 | ADC12MEM31 | 089Eh |
Comparator Control Register 0 | CECTL0 | 08C0h |
Comparator Control Register 1 | CECTL1 | 08C2h |
Comparator Control Register 2 | CECTL2 | 08C4h |
Comparator Control Register 3 | CECTL3 | 08C6h |
Comparator Interrupt Control | CEINT | 08CCh |
Comparator Interrupt Vector Word | CEIV | 08CEh |
CRC32 Data Input Word 0 | CRC32DIW0 | 0980h |
CRC32 Data Input Word 1 | CRC32DIW1 | 0982h |
CRC32 Data In Reverse Word 1 | CRC32DIRBW1 | 0984h |
CRC32 Data In Reverse Word 0 | CRC32DIRBW0 | 0986h |
CRC32 Initialization and Result Word 0 | CRC32INIRESW0 | 0988h |
CRC32 Initialization and Result Word 1 | CRC32INIRESW1 | 098Ah |
CRC32 Result Reverse Word 1 | CRC32RESRW1 | 098Ch |
CRC32 Result Reverse Word 0 | CRC32RESRW0 | 098Eh |
CRC16 Data Input | CRC16DIW0 | 0990h |
CRC16 Data In Reverse | CRC16DIRBW0 | 0996h |
CRC16 Init and Result | CRC16INIRESW0 | 0998h |
CRC16 Result Reverse | CRC16RESRW0 | 099Eh |
AES Accelerator Control 0 | AESACTL0 | 09C0h |
AES Accelerator Control 1 | AESACTL1 | 09C2h |
AES Accelerator Status | AESASTAT | 09C4h |
AES Accelerator Key | AESAKEY | 09C6h |
AES Accelerator Data In | AESADIN | 09C8h |
AES Accelerator Data Out | AESADOUT | 09CAh |
AES Accelerator XORed Data In | AESAXDIN | 09CCh |
AES Accelerator XORed Data In | AESAXIN | 09CEh |
LCD_C control 0 | LCDCCTL0 | 0A00h |
LCD_C control 1 | LCDCCTL1 | 0A02h |
LCD_C blinking control | LCDCBLKCTL | 0A04h |
LCD_C memory control | LCDCMEMCTL | 0A06h |
LCD_C Voltage Control | LCDCVCTL | 0A08h |
LCD_C port control 0 | LCDCPCTL0 | 0A0Ah |
LCD_C port control 1 | LCDCPCTL1 | 0A0Ch |
LCD_C port control 2 (≥256 segments) | LCDCPCTL2 | 0A0Eh |
LCD_C port control 3 (384 segments) | LCDCPCTL3 | 0A10h |
LCD_C charge pump control | LCDCCPCTL | 0A12h |
LCD_C interrupt vector | LCDCIV | 0A1Eh |
LCDMX = 0 ... 4 | ||
LCD memory 1 | LCDM1 | 0A20h |
LCD memory 2 | LCDM2 | 0A21h |
LCD memory 3 | LCDM3 | 0A22h |
LCD memory 4 | LCDM4 | 0A23h |
LCD memory 5 | LCDM5 | 0A24h |
LCD memory 6 | LCDM6 | 0A25h |
LCD memory 7 | LCDM7 | 0A26h |
LCD memory 8 | LCDM8 | 0A27h |
LCD memory 9 | LCDM9 | 0A28h |
LCD memory 10 | LCDM10 | 0A29h |
LCD memory 11 | LCDM11 | 0A2Ah |
LCD memory 12 | LCDM12 | 0A2Bh |
LCD memory 13 | LCDM13 | 0A2Ch |
LCD memory 14 | LCDM14 | 0A2Dh |
LCD memory 15 | LCDM15 | 0A2Eh |
LCD memory 16 | LCDM16 | 0A2Fh |
LCD memory 17 | LCDM17 | 0A30h |
LCD memory 18 | LCDM18 | 0A31h |
LCD memory 19 | LCDM19 | 0A32h |
LCD memory 20 | LCDM20 | 0A33h |
LCD blinking memory 1 | LCDM33_LCDBM1 | 0A40h |
LCD blinking memory 2 | LCDM34_LCDBM2 | 0A41h |
LCD blinking memory 3 | LCDM35_LCDBM3 | 0A42h |
LCD blinking memory 4 | LCDM36_LCDBM4 | 0A43h |
LCD blinking memory 5 | LCDM37_LCDBM5 | 0A44h |
LCD blinking memory 6 | LCDM38_LCDBM6 | 0A45h |
LCD blinking memory 7 | LCDM39_LCDBM7 | 0A46h |
LCD blinking memory 8 | LCDM40_LCDBM8 | 0A47h |
LCD blinking memory 9 | LCDM41_LCDBM9 | 0A48h |
LCD blinking memory 10 | LCDM42_LCDBM10 | 0A49h |
LCD blinking memory 11 | LCDM43_LCDBM11 | 0A4Ah |
LCD blinking memory 11 | LCDM44_LCDBM12 | 0A4Bh |
LCD blinking memory 13 | LCDM45_LCDBM13 | 0A4Ch |
LCD blinking memory 14 | LCDM46_LCDBM14 | 0A4Dh |
LCD blinking memory 15 | LCDM47_LCDBM15 | 0A4Eh |
LCD blinking memory 16 | LCDM48_LCDBM16 | 0A4Fh |
LCD blinking memory 17 | LCDM49_LCDBM17 | 0A50h |
LCD blinking memory 18 | LCDM50_LCDBM18 | 0A51h |
LCD blinking memory 19 | LCDM51_LCDBM19 | 0A52h |
LCD blinking memory 20 | LCDM52_LCDBM20 | 0A53h |
LCDMX = 5 ... 8 | ||
LCD memory 1 | LCDM1 | 0A20h |
LCD memory 2 | LCDM2 | 0A21h |
LCD memory 3 | LCDM3 | 0A22h |
LCD memory 4 | LCDM4 | 0A23h |
LCD memory 5 | LCDM5 | 0A24h |
LCD memory 6 | LCDM6 | 0A25h |
LCD memory 7 | LCDM7 | 0A26h |
LCD memory 8 | LCDM8 | 0A27h |
LCD memory 9 | LCDM9 | 0A28h |
LCD memory 10 | LCDM10 | 0A29h |
LCD memory 11 | LCDM11 | 0A2Ah |
LCD memory 12 | LCDM12 | 0A2Bh |
LCD memory 13 | LCDM13 | 0A2Ch |
LCD memory 14 | LCDM14 | 0A2Dh |
LCD memory 15 | LCDM15 | 0A2Eh |
LCD memory 16 | LCDM16 | 0A2Fh |
LCD memory 17 | LCDM17 | 0A30h |
LCD memory 18 | LCDM18 | 0A31h |
LCD memory 19 | LCDM19 | 0A32h |
LCD memory 20 | LCDM20 | 0A33h |
LCD memory 21 | LCDM21 | 0A34h |
LCD memory 22 | LCDM22 | 0A35h |
LCD memory 23 | LCDM23 | 0A36h |
LCD memory 24 | LCDM24 | 0A37h |
LCD memory 25 | LCDM25 | 0A38h |
LCD memory 26 | LCDM26 | 0A39h |
LCD memory 27 | LCDM27 | 0A3Ah |
LCD memory 28 | LCDM28 | 0A3Bh |
LCD memory 29 | LCDM29 | 0A3Ch |
LCD memory 30 | LCDM30 | 0A3Dh |
LCD memory 31 | LCDM31 | 0A3Eh |
LCD memory 32 | LCDM32 | 0A3Fh |
LCD memory 33 | LCDM33_LCDBM1 | 0A40h |
LCD memory 34 | LCDM34_LCDBM2 | 0A41h |
LCD memory 35 | LCDM35_LCDBM3 | 0A42h |
LCD memory 36 | LCDM36_LCDBM4 | 0A43h |
LEA Capability Register | LEACAP | 0A80h |
Configuration Register 0 | LEACNF0 | 0A84h |
Configuration Register 1 | LEACNF1 | 0A88h |
Configuration Register 2 | LEACNF2 | 0A8Ch |
Memory Bottom Register | LEAMB | 0A90h |
Memory Top Register | LEAMT | 0A94h |
Code Memory Access | LEACMA | 0A98h |
Code Memory Control | LEACMCTL | 0A9Ch |
LEA Command Status | LEACMDSTAT | 0AA8h |
LEA Source 1 Status | LEAS1STAT | 0AACh |
LEA Source 0 Status | LEAS0STAT | 0AB0h |
LEA Result Status | LEADSTSTAT | 0AB4h |
PM Control Register | LEAPMCTL | 0AC0h |
PM Result Register | LEAPMDST | 0AC4h |
PM Source 1 Register | LEAPMS1 | 0AC8h |
PM Source 0 Register | LEAPMS0 | 0ACCh |
PM Command Buffer | LEAPMCB | 0AD0h |
Interrupt Flag and Set | LEAIFGSET | 0AF0h |
Interrupt Enable | LEAIE | 0AF4h |
Interrupt Flag and Clear | LEAIFG | 0AF8h |
Interrupt Vector | LEAIV | 0AFCh |
Interrupt Index | SAPHIIDX | 0E00h |
Masked Interrupt Satus | SAPHMIS | 0E02h |
Raw Interrupt Status | SAPHRIS | 0E04h |
Interrupt Mask | SAPHIMSC | 0E06h |
Interrupt Clear | SAPHICR | 0E08h |
Interrupt Set | SAPHISR | 0E0Ah |
Module-Descriptor Low Word | SAPHDESCLO | 0E0Ch |
Module-Descriptor High Word | SAPHDESCHI | 0E0Eh |
Key | SAPHKEY | 0E10h |
Physical Interface Output Control #0 | SAPHOCTL0 | 0E12h |
Physical Interface Output Control #1 | SAPHOCTL1 | 0E14h |
Physical Interface Output Function Select | SAPHOSEL | 0E16h |
Channel 0 Pull UpTrim | SAPHCH0PUT | 0E20h |
Channel 0 Pull DownTrim | SAPHCH0PDT | 0E22h |
Channel 0 Termination Trim | SAPHCH0TT | 0E24h |
Channel 1 Pull UpTrim | SAPHCH1PUT | 0E26h |
Channel 1 Pull DownTrim | SAPHCH1PDT | 0E28h |
Channel 1 Termination Trim | SAPHCH1TT | 0E2Ah |
Mode Configuration Register | SAPHMCNF | 0E2Ch |
Trim Access Control | SAPHTACTL | 0E2Eh |
Physical Interface Input Control #0 | SAPHICTL0 | 0E30h |
Bias Control | SAPHBCTL | 0E34h |
PPG Count | SAPHPGC | 0E40h |
Pulse Generator Low Period | SAPHPGLPER | 0E42h |
Pulse Generator High Period | SAPHPGHPER | 0E44h |
PPG Control | SAPHPGCTL | 0E46h |
PPG Software Trigger | SAPHPPGTRIG | 0E48h |
A-SEQ control 0 | SAPHASCTL0 | 0E60h |
A-SEQ control 1 | SAPHASCTL1 | 0E62h |
ASQ Software Trigger | SAPHASQTRIG | 0E64h |
ASQ ping output polarity | SAPHAPOL | 0E66h |
ASQ ping pause level | SAPHAPLEV | 0E68h |
ASQ ping pause impedance | SAPHAPHIZ | 0E6Ah |
A-SEQ start to 1st ping | SAPHATM_A | 0E6Eh |
ASQ start to ADC arm | SAPHATM_B | 0E70h |
Count for the TIMEMARK C Event | SAPHATM_C | 0E72h |
ASQ start to ADC trig | SAPHATM_D | 0E74h |
ASQ start to restart | SAPHATM_E | 0E76h |
ASQ start to time-out | SAPHATM_F | 0E78h |
Time Base Control | SAPHTBCTL | 0E7Ah |
Acquisition Timer Low Part | SAPHATIMLO | 0E7Ch |
Acquisition Timer High Part | SAPHATIMHI | 0E7Eh |
Interrupt Index Register | SDHSIIDX | 0E80h |
Masked Interrupt Status and Clear Register | SDHSMIS | 0E82h |
Raw Interrupt Status | SDHSRIS | 0E84h |
Interrupt Mask Register | SDHSIMSC | 0E86h |
Interrupt Clear | SDHSICR | 0E88h |
Interrupt Set Register | SDHSISR | 0E8Ah |
SDHS Descriptor Register L | SDHSDESCLO | 0E8Ch |
SDHS Descriptor Register H | SDHSDESCHI | 0E8Eh |
SDHS Control Register 0 | SDHSCTL0 | 0E90h |
SDHS Control Register 1 | SDHSCTL1 | 0E92h |
SDHS Control Register 2 | SDHSCTL2 | 0E94h |
SDHS Control Register 3 | SDHSCTL3 | 0E96h |
SDHS Control Register 4 | SDHSCTL4 | 0E98h |
SDHS Control Register 5 | SDHSCTL5 | 0E9Ah |
SDHS Control Register 6 | SDHSCTL6 | 0E9Ch |
SDHS Control Register 7 | SDHSCTL7 | 0E9Eh |
SDHS Data Converstion Register | SDHSDT | 0EA2h |
SDHS Window Comparator High Threshold Register | SDHSWINHITH | 0EA4h |
SDHS Window Comparator Low Threshold Register | SDHSWINLOTH | 0EA6h |
DTC destination address | SDHSDTCDA | 0EA8h |
Interrupt Index Register | UUPSIIDX | 0EC0h |
Masked Interrupt Status | UUPSMIS | 0EC2h |
Raw Interrupt Status | UUPSRIS | 0EC4h |
Interrupt Mask Register | UUPSIMSC | 0EC6h |
Interrupt Clear | UUPSICR | 0EC8h |
Interrupt Flag Set | UUPSISR | 0ECAh |
UUPS Descriptor Register L | UUPSDESCLO | 0ECCh |
UUPS Descriptor Register H | UUPSDESCHI | 0ECEh |
UUPS Control | UUPSCTL | 0ED0h |
Interrupt Index Register | HSPLLIIDX | 0EE0h |
Masked Interrupt Status | HSPLLMIS | 0EE2h |
Raw Interrupt Status | HSPLLRIS | 0EE4h |
Interrupt Mask Register | HSPLLIMSC | 0EE6h |
Interrupt Flag Clear | HSPLLICR | 0EE8h |
Interrupt Flag Set | HSPLLISR | 0EEAh |
HSPLL Descriptor Register L | HSPLLDESCLO | 0EECh |
HSPLL Descriptor Register H | HSPLLDESCHI | 0EEEh |
HSPLL Control Register | HSPLLCTL | 0EF0h |
USSXT Control Register | HSPLLUSSXTLCTL | 0EF2h |