JAJSVW9A December   2011  – December 2024 OPA1662 , OPA1664


  1.   1
  2. 1特長
  3. 2アプリケーション
  4. 3概要
  5. 4Pin Configurations
  6. 5Specifications
    1. 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 5.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 5.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 5.4 Thermal Information: OPA1662
    5. 5.5 Thermal Information: OPA1664
    6. 5.6 Electrical Characteristics: VS = ±15V
    7. 5.7 Electrical Characteristics: VS = 5V
    8. 5.8 Typical Characteristics
  7. 6Application and Implementation
    1. 6.1 Application Information
      1. 6.1.1 Operating Voltage
      2. 6.1.2 Input Protection
      3. 6.1.3 Noise Performance
      4. 6.1.4 Basic Noise Calculations
      5. 6.1.5 Total Harmonic Distortion Measurements
      6. 6.1.6 Capacitive Loads
      7. 6.1.7 Power Dissipation
      8. 6.1.8 Electrical Overstress
    2. 6.2 Typical Application
  8. 7Device and Documentation Support
    1. 7.1 ドキュメントの更新通知を受け取る方法
    2. 7.2 サポート・リソース
    3. 7.3 Trademarks
    4. 7.4 静電気放電に関する注意事項
    5. 7.5 用語集
  9. 8Revision History
  10. 9Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information


  • D|14
  • PW|14

Typical Characteristics

at TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V, and RL = 2kΩ (unless otherwise noted)

OPA1662 OPA1664 Input Voltage Noise
                        Density and Input Current Noise Density vs Frequency
Figure 5-1 Input Voltage Noise Density and Input Current Noise Density vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 Voltage Noise vs Source
Figure 5-3 Voltage Noise vs Source Resistance
OPA1662 OPA1664 Gain and Phase vs
Figure 5-5 Gain and Phase vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 THD+N Ratio vs
Figure 5-7 THD+N Ratio vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 THD+N Ratio vs
Figure 5-9 THD+N Ratio vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 THD+N Ratio vs
Figure 5-11 THD+N Ratio vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 THD+N Ratio vs Output
Figure 5-13 THD+N Ratio vs Output Amplitude
OPA1662 OPA1664 Channel Separation vs
Figure 5-15 Channel Separation vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Step
Figure 5-17 Small-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Step
Figure 5-19 Small-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Large-Signal Step
Figure 5-21 Large-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Large-Signal Step
Figure 5-23 Large-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Overshoot vs
                        Capacitive Load
Figure 5-25 Small-Signal Overshoot vs Capacitive Load
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Overshoot vs
                        Capacitive Load
Figure 5-27 Small-Signal Overshoot vs Capacitive Load
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Overshoot vs
                        Feedback Capacitor
Figure 5-29 Small-Signal Overshoot vs Feedback Capacitor
OPA1662 OPA1664 Phase Margin vs Capacitive
Figure 5-31 Phase Margin vs Capacitive Load
OPA1662 OPA1664 IB and
                            IOS vs Temperature
Figure 5-33 IB and IOS vs Temperature
OPA1662 OPA1664 Supply Current vs
Figure 5-35 Supply Current vs Temperature
OPA1662 OPA1664 Short-Circuit Current vs
Figure 5-37 Short-Circuit Current vs Temperature
OPA1662 OPA1664 Positive Overload
Figure 5-39 Positive Overload Recovery
OPA1662 OPA1664 Open-Loop Output Impedance
                        vs Frequency
Figure 5-41 Open-Loop Output Impedance vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 0.1Hz to 10Hz
Figure 5-2 0.1Hz to 10Hz Noise
OPA1662 OPA1664 Maximum Output Voltage vs
Figure 5-4 Maximum Output Voltage vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 Closed-Loop Gain vs
Figure 5-6 Closed-Loop Gain vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 THD+N Ratio vs
Figure 5-8 THD+N Ratio vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 THD+N Ratio vs
Figure 5-10 THD+N Ratio vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 THD+N Ratio vs
Figure 5-12 THD+N Ratio vs Frequency
OPA1662 OPA1664 Intermodulation Distortion
                        vs Output Amplitude
Figure 5-14 Intermodulation Distortion vs Output Amplitude
OPA1662 OPA1664 CMRR and PSRR vs Frequency
Figure 5-16 CMRR and PSRR vs Frequency (Referred-to-Input)
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Step
Figure 5-18 Small-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Step
Figure 5-20 Small-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Large-Signal Step
Figure 5-22 Large-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Large-Signal Step
Figure 5-24 Large-Signal Step Response
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Overshoot vs
                        Capacitive Load
Figure 5-26 Small-Signal Overshoot vs Capacitive Load
OPA1662 OPA1664 Small-Signal Overshoot vs
                        Capacitive Load
Figure 5-28 Small-Signal Overshoot vs Capacitive Load
OPA1662 OPA1664 Percent Overshoot vs
                        Capacitive Load
Figure 5-30 Percent Overshoot vs Capacitive Load
OPA1662 OPA1664 Open-Loop Gain vs
Figure 5-32 Open-Loop Gain vs Temperature
OPA1662 OPA1664 IB and
                            IOS vs Common-Mode Voltage
Figure 5-34 IB and IOS vs Common-Mode Voltage
OPA1662 OPA1664 Supply Current vs Supply
Figure 5-36 Supply Current vs Supply Voltage
OPA1662 OPA1664 Output Voltage vs Output
Figure 5-38 Output Voltage vs Output Current
OPA1662 OPA1664 Negative Overload
Figure 5-40 Negative Overload Recovery
OPA1662 OPA1664 No Phase Reversal
Figure 5-42 No Phase Reversal