JAJSDO2D August 2017 – September 2024 OPA838
The OPA838 is a power-efficient, decompensated, voltage-feedback amplifier (VFA). Combining a negative-rail input stage and a rail-to-rail output (RRO) stage, the device provides a flexible option where higher gain or transimpedance designs are required. This 300-MHz gain-bandwidth product (GBP) amplifier requires less than 1 mA of supply current over a 2.7‑V to 5.4-V total supply operating range. A shutdown feature on the 6-pin package versions provides power savings where the system requires less than 1 µA when shut down. A decompensated amplifier operating at low gains (less than 6 V/V) can experience a low phase margin that risks oscillation. The TINA model for the OPA838 predicts those conditions.