JAJSSO6A March 2024 – February 2024 PCM6140-Q1
The PCM6140-Q1 can also support a higher input common-mode tolerance at the expense of noise performance by a few decibels. The device supports three different modes with different common-mode tolerances, which can be configured using the CH1_INP_CM_TOL_CFG[1:0] (P0_R58_D[7:6]) register bits. Table 7-10 lists the configuration register settings for the input impedance for the record channel.
00 (default) | Channel 1 input common-mode tolerance of: AC-coupled input = 100 mVPP, DC-coupled input = 2.82 VPP. |
01 | Channel 1 input common-mode tolerance of: AC/DC-coupled input = 1 VPP. |
10 (high CMRR mode) | Channel 1 input common-mode tolerance of: AC/DC-coupled input = 0-AVDD (supported only with an input impedance of 10 kΩ and 20 kΩ). For input impedance of 2.5 kΩ, the input common-mode tolerance is 0.4 V to 2.6 V. |
11 | Reserved (do not use this setting) |
Similarly, the common-mode tolerance setting for input channel 2, 3, and 4 can be configured using the CH2_INP_CM_TOL_CFG[1:0] (P0_R58_D[5:4]), CH3_INP_CM_TOL_CFG[1:0] (P0_R58_D[3:2]), and CH4_INP_CM_TOL_CFG[1:0] (P0_R58_D[1:0]) register bits respectively. See the Input Common Mode Tolerance and High CMRR modes for TLV320ADCx120 Devices application report for further details.