JAJSNP7A January 2024 – December 2024 TAC5311-Q1
For low power applications, the TAC5311-Q1 offers options to configure the device in a power tune mode. This mode can be configured by setting the PWR_TUNE_CFG0 (P0_R78) register to 0xD4, PWR_TUNE_CFG1 (P0_R79) register to 0x86 and PLL_DIS (P0_R52_D[7]) to 1'b1. For power savings, the ADC and DAC modulator clocks are set to run at 1.536MHz (the input and output data sample rate is multiples or submultiples of 48kHz) or 1.4112MHz (the input and output data sample rate is multiples or submultiples of 44.1 kHz). For more details refer the TAC5x1x-Q1 Power Consumption Matrix Across Various Usage Scenarios application report.