JAJSM37D August 2023 – October 2024 TCAN1044A-Q1
This is the low-power mode of the TCAN1044A(V)-Q1. The CAN driver and main receiver are switched off and bi-directional CAN communication is not possible. The low-power receiver and bus monitor circuits are enabled to allow for RXD wake-up requests via the CAN bus. A wake-up request is output to RXD as shown in Figure 8-5. The local CAN protocol controller should monitor RXD for transitions (high-to-low) and reactivate the device to normal mode by pulling the STB pin low. The CAN bus pins are weakly pulled to GND in this mode; see Figure 8-2 and Figure 8-3.
In standby mode, only the VIO supply is required therefore the VCC may be switched off for additional system level current savings.