JAJSLG1A april 2021 – february 2023 TDES954
7 | CSI_REPLICATE | R/W | 0x0 | CSI Replicate Mode. When set to a 1, the CSI output from port 0 will also be generated on CSI port 1. In this mode, each CSI port may be one or two lanes only. The same output data will be presented on both ports. |
6 | FWD_SYNC _AS_AVAIL | R/W | 0x0 | Synchronized Forwarding. As Available During Synchronized Forwarding, each forwarding engine will wait for video data to be available from each enabled port, prior to sending the video line. Setting this bit to a 1 will allow sending the next video line as it becomes available. For example, if RX Ports 0 and 1 are being forwarded, port 0 video line is forwarded when it becomes available, rather than waiting until both ports 0 and ports 1 have video data available. This operation may reduce the likelihood of buffer overflow errors in some conditions. This bit will have no effect in video line concatenation mode and only affects video lines (long packets) rather than synchronization packets. (See Section |
5:4 | RESERVED | R | 0x0 | Reserved. |
3:2 | CSI0_SYNC_FWD | R/W | 0x00 | Enable synchronized forwarding for CSI output port 0. (See Section 00: Synchronized forwarding disabled 01: Basic Synchronized forwarding enabled 10: Synchronous forwarding with line interleaving 11: Synchronous forwarding with line concatenation Only one of CSI0_RR_FWD and CSI0_SYNC_FWD must be set at a time. |
1 | RESERVED | R/W | 0x0 | Reserved. |
0 | CSI0_RR_FWD | R/W | 0x1 | Enable round robin forwarding for CSI TX output port. When this mode is enabled, no attempt is made to synchronize the video traffic. When multiple sources have data available to forward, the data will tend to be forwarded in a round-robin fashion. 0: Round robin forwarding disabled 1: Round robin forwarding enabled Only one of CSI0_RR_FWD and CSI0_SYNC_FWD must be set at a time. |