JAJSJV4 November 2020 THVD8010
Data at the D input is modulated with the carrier frequency set by the RF_SET value when the device is transmitting (MODE = VCC). See Section 8.3.1 section for more details. In receiving (MODE = GND), the device expects an OOK modulated signal at the A and B inputs. The data is demodulated and sent out via R pin. See Section 8.3.2 section for more details.
F_SET | MODE | D | A | B | |
RF_SET (See Table 8-1) | H | H or Z | Bias to VCM | Bias to VCM | Driver is actively biased to VCM on the bus |
H | L | Oscillating | Oscillating | Bus actively driven at carrier frequency | |
L or Z | X | Z | Z | Driver disabled, device in receive mode |
F_SET | MODE | Input | R | |
RF_SET (See Table 8-1) | L or Z | Oscillating at F_SET and VID > VMAG_ZERO | L | Receive valid bus low |
L or Z | Oscillating at F_SET and VMAG_ONE < VID < VMAG_ZERO | ? | Receive invalid bus, output indeterminate | |
L or Z | Oscillating at F_SET and VID < VMAG_ONE | H | Receive valid bus high | |
L or Z | Z / not oscillating | H | Receive valid bus high | |
L or Z | OPEN, SHORT, IDLE (VID = 0 V) | H | Failsafe high output | |
H | X | Z | Receiver disabled, device in transmit mode |