JAJSGP1 December 2018 TLV1805
The TLV1805 family of devices is specified for operation from 3.3 V to 40 V (±1.65 to ±20 V); many specifications apply from –40°C to +125°C. Parameters that can exhibit significant variance with regard to operating voltage or temperature are presented in the Typical Characteristics section.
Supply voltages larger than 40 V can permanently damage the device; see the Recommended Operating Conditions section.
Place 0.1-μF bypass capacitors close to the power-supply pins to reduce errors coupling in from noisy or high-impedance power supplies. For more detailed information on bypass capacitor placement; see the Layout Guidelines section.
The TLV1805 does not contain reverse battery protection, so applying negative voltage to the supply pins must be avoided. The TLV1805 cannot withstand ISO 16750 type waveforms alone and requires external protection circuitry.