SLAS355B December 2001 – December 2015 TLV2556
NAME | NO. | ||
AIN0 to AIN10 | 1 to 9, 11, 12 | I | Analog input. These 11 analog-signal inputs are internally multiplexed. |
CS | 15 | I | Chip select. A high-to-low transition on CS resets the internal counters and controls and enables DATA OUT, DATA IN, and I/O CLOCK. A low-to-high transition disables DATA IN and I/O CLOCK within a setup time. |
DATA IN | 17 | I | Serial data input. The 4-bit serial data can be used as address selects the desired analog input channel or test voltage to be converted next, or a command to activate other features. The input data is presented with the MSB (D7) first and is shifted in on the first four rising edges of the I/O CLOCK. After the four address/command bits are read into the command register CMR, I/O CLOCK clocks the remaining four bits of configuration in. |
DATA OUT | 16 | O | 3-state serial output for the A/D conversion result. DATA OUT is in the high-impedance state when CS is high and active when CS is low. With a valid CS, DATA OUT is removed from the high-impedance state and is driven to the logic level corresponding to the MSB/LSB value of the previous conversion result. The next falling edge of I/O CLOCK drives DATA OUT to the logic level corresponding to the next MSB/LSB, and the remaining bits are shifted out in order. |
GND | 10 | — | Ground. GND is the ground return terminal for the internal circuitry. Unless otherwise noted, all voltage measurements are with respect to GND. |
INT/EOC | 19 | O | Status output, used to indicate the end of conversion (EOC) or an interrupt (INT) to host processor. Programmed as INT (interrupt): INT goes from a high to a low logic level after the conversion is complete and the data is ready for transfer. INT is cleared by a rising I/O CLOCK transition. Programmed as EOC: EOC goes from a high to a low logic level after the falling edge of the last I/O CLOCK and remains low until the conversion is complete and the data is ready for transfer. |
I/O CLOCK | 18 | I |
Input /output clock. I/O CLOCK receives the serial input and performs the following four functions:
REF+ | 14 | I/O | Positive reference voltage The upper reference voltage value (nominally VCC) is applied to REF+. The maximum analog input voltage range is determined by the difference between the voltage applied to terminals REF+ and REF–. When the internal reference is used it is capable of driving a 10-kΩ, 10-pF load. |
REF– | 13 | I/O | Negative reference voltage. The lower reference voltage value (nominally ground) is applied to REF–. This pin is connected to analog ground (GND of the ADC) when internal reference is used. |
VCC | 20 | — | Positive supply voltage |