JAJSHP5A July 2019 – October 2019 TLV320ADC5140
If the host device exits sleep mode by setting the SLEEP_ENZ bit to 1'b1, the device enters active mode. In active mode, I2C or SPI transactions can be done to configure and power-up the device for active operation. After entering active mode, wait at least 1 ms before starting any I2C or SPI transactions in order to allow the device to complete the internal wake-up sequence.
After configuring all other registers for the target application and system settings, configure the input and output channel enable registers, P0_R115 (IN_CH_EN) and P0_R116 (ASI_OUT_CH_EN), respectively. Lastly, configure the device power-up register, P0_R117 (PWR_CFG). All the programmable coefficient values must be written before powering up the respective channel.
In active mode, the power-up and power-down status of various blocks is monitored by reading the read-only device status bits located in the P0_R117 (DEV_STS0) and P0_R118 (DEV_STS1) registers.