JAJSHL1J August 2018 – May 2021 TLV803E , TLV809E , TLV810E
The manual reset
(MR) input allows a processor GPIO or other logic circuits
to initiate a reset. A logic low on MR with pulse duration
longer than tMR_RES will cause reset output to
assert. After MR returns to a logic high
(VMR_H) and VDD is
above VIT+, reset is deasserted after the user programmed reset time
delay (tD) expires.
If MR is not
controlled externally, then MR can be left disconnected.
MR is internally connected to VDD through a pull-up
resistor RMR shown in Section 8.2. If the logic signal
controlling MR is less than VDD, then additional current flows
from VDD into MR internally. For minimum current consumption,
drive MR to either VDD or GND.
VMR should not be higher than VDD