JAJSUV4 June 2024 TMCS1127
The zero current reference voltage, VREF, along with device sensitivity, S, and supply voltage, VS, determine the TMCS1127 linear input current measurement ranges listed in the Device Comparison table. The maximum linear output voltage, VOUT,max, is limited to 100mV less than the supply voltage as shown in Equation 17. The minimum linear output voltage, VOUT,min, is limited to 100mV above ground as shown in Equation 18.
Overall maximum dynamic range can be optimized with proper device selection by referring minimum and maximum linear output voltage swing to minimum and maximum linear input current range by dividing output voltage by sensitivity, S (see Equation 19 and Equation 20).
As examples for determining linear input current measurement range, consider TMCS1127A2A, TMCS1127B2A and TMCS1127C2A devices, all with 50mV/A sensitivity as shown in the Device Comparison table. When used with a 5V supply, the TMCS1127A2A has a balanced ±48A bidirectional linear current measurement range about the 2.5V zero current output reference voltage, VREF, as shown in Figure 8-2. When used with a 3.3V supply, the TMCS1127B2A has a balanced ±31A bidirectional linear current measurement range about the 1.65V zero current output reference voltage. If used with a 5V supply, the linear current measurement range of the TMCS1127B2A can be extended from –31A to 65A as shown in Figure 8-2. The TMCS1127C2A with a 0.33V zero current reference voltage is intended for measuring unidirectional currents. When used with a 3.3V supply the TMCS1127C2A has a unidirectional linear current measurement range from –5A to 57A which can be extended from –5A to 91.4A when used with a 5V supply.