SPRS357D August 2006 – June 2020 TMS320F28044
The F28044 device supports the following serial communication peripherals:
SPI: | The SPI is a high-speed, synchronous serial I/O port that allows a serial bit stream of programmed length (one to sixteen bits) to be shifted into and out of the device at a programmable bit-transfer rate. Normally, the SPI is used for communications between the DSP controller and external peripherals or another processor. Typical applications include external I/O or peripheral expansion through devices such as shift registers, display drivers, and ADCs. Multi-device communications are supported by the master/slave operation of the SPI. On the F28044 device, the SPI contains a 16-level receive and transmit FIFO for reducing interrupt servicing overhead. | |
SCI: | The serial communications interface is a two-wire asynchronous serial port, commonly known as UART. On the F28044 device, the SCI contains a 16-level receive and transmit FIFO for reducing interrupt servicing overhead. | |
I2C: | The inter-integrated circuit (I2C) module provides an interface between a DSP and other devices compliant with Philips Semiconductors Inter-IC bus (I2C-bus) specification version 2.1 and connected by way of an I2C-bus. External components attached to this 2-wire serial bus can transmit/receive up to 8-bit data to/from the DSP through the I2C module. On the F28044 device, the I2C contains a 16-level receive and transmit FIFO for reducing interrupt servicing overhead. |