The TMUX1237 is a general purpose 2:1, single-pole double-throw (SPDT), switch that supports a wide operating range of 1.08 V to 5.5 V. The device supports bidirectional analog and digital signals on the source (Sx) and drain (D) pins ranging from GND to VDD. The state of the select pin (SEL) controls which of the two sources pins are connected to the drain pin. Additionally, the TMUX1237 has a low supply current of 7 nA which enables the device to be used in a host of handheld or low power applications.
The TMUX1237 improves system reliability by eliminating overshoot that might occur in a system due to switching between two voltage levels on the source (Sx) pins. In addition, the TMUX1237 also maintains fast switching times, enabling it to improve system performance for a wide range of applications from communications equipment to building automation.
All logic inputs have 1.8 V logic compatible thresholds, ensuring both TTL and CMOS logic compatibility when operating in the valid supply voltage range. Fail-Safe Logic circuitry allows voltages on the control pins to be applied before the supply pin, protecting the device from potential damage.
TMUX1237 | SC70 (6) | 2.00 mm × 1.25 mm |