JAJSFJ2G March 2018 – August 2020 TPS23880
The TPS23880 features a 3-wire I2C interface, using SDAI, SDAO, and SCL. Each transmission includes a START condition sent by the master, followed by the device address (7-bit) with R/W bit, a register address byte, then one or two data bytes and a STOP condition. The recipient sends an acknowledge bit following each byte transmitted. SDAI/SDAO is stable while SCL is high except during a START or STOP condition.
Figure 9-6 and Figure 9-7 show read and write operations through I2C interface, using configuration A or B (see Table 9-24 for more details). The parametric read operation is applicable to ADC conversion results. The TPS23880 features quick access to the latest addressed register through I2C bus. When a STOP bit is received, the register pointer is not automatically reset.
It is also possible to perform a write operation to many TPS23880 devices at the same time. The slave address during this broadcast access is 0x7F, as shown in Section Depending on which configuration (A or B) is selected, a global write proceeds as following: