4 Revision History
Changes from Revision A (September 2022) to Revision B (June 2023)
- デバイス・ステータスを「事前情報」から「量産データ」に変更
- デバイスの説明を更新Go
- Revised the graphs and experimental waveforms in typical characteristicsGo
- Updated the functional block diagramGo
- Updated the feature descriptionGo
- Deleted the WRITE_PROTECT (10h) registerGo
- Added the MFR_WRITE_PROTECT (F8h) registerGo
- Deleted the EEPROM_DET_CMD (F4h) registerGo
- Changed the STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC_2 register command code from 7Fh to F3h
- Changed the SMBus transaction type of STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC_2 register from Read Byte to Read Word
- Updated the default value of the MFR_REVISION (9Bh) register from 0x61 to 0x01
- Changed the READ_BB_EEPROM register command code from BCh to F4h
- Changed the CABLE_RESISTANCE register command name to CABLE_DROP
- Deleted the MFR_SPECIFIC_RESERVED (B0h) registerGo
- Revised the bit definitions of the STATUS_BYTE (78h), STATUS_WORD (79h), STATUS_IN (7Ch), STATUS_IOUT (7Bh), STATUS_TEMP (7Dh), STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC (80h), STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC_2 (F3h), STATUS_CML (7Eh), DEVICE_CONFIG (E4h), ADC_CONFIG_2 (E9h), ALERT_MASK (DBh) registersGo
- Revised the Blackbox timestamp tick intervalGo
- Revised the overcurrent blanking timer valuesGo
- Revised the retry delay timer valuesGo
- Revised the insertion delay timer valuesGo
- Revised the ADC sampling frequency from 500 KSPS to 460 KSPSGo
- Added high performance ADC sampling modeGo
- Updated the m, b, R coefficients used in DIRECT format
- A minor modification to the application schematicGo
- Revised the application performance plotsGo