JAJSFL9C July 2016 – June 2018 TPS546C20A
The devices provide many sequencing options. Using the ON_OFF_CONFIG command, the device can be configured to start up whenever the input voltage is above the UVLO threshold, to require an additional signal on the CNTL pin, to receive an update to the OPERATION command through the PMBus interface, or a combination of these configurations. When the gating signal as specified by the ON_OFF_CONFIG command is asserted, a programmable turnon delay can be set with the TON_DELAY command to delay the start of regulation. Similarly, a programmable turnoff delay can be set with the TOFF_DELAY command to delay the stop of regulation once the gating signal is deasserted. Delay times are specified in milliseconds (ms), from 0 to 100 ms.
Figure 24 shows control of the start-up and shutdown operations of the device when the device is configured to respond to both the CNTL signal and the OPERATION command. The device can also be configured to independently use either the CNTL signal or the OPERATION command, or to convert power when a sufficient input voltage is available.