4 Revision History
Changes from Revision C (June 2020) to Revision D (July 2021)
- 文書全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- 「アプリケーション」にリンクを追加Go
Transient changed from 10ns to 20ns, Changed Min
from -1.5V to -4VGo
Transient changed from 10ns to
- Updated Switching Frequency
minimum and maximum valuesGo
- Corrected Figure 6-10
- Clarified how a device enters into a fault,
and how the fault is cleared Go
- Fixed cross references for Equation 10 through Equation 17 and corrected equation errorsGo
- Added RTRIP value to paragraphGo
- Updated typical valley current in the text from 16.8 A to 13.66 A to
match Equation 14
- Added "Round up to use a valley current limit of 15
- Updated Switching Frequency
vs Output Voltage graphGo
Changes from Revision B (2020 年 6 月) to Revision C (2020 年 6 月)
- Deleted redundant LDO specification.Go