JAJSF59E December 2014 – March 2022 TPS62406-Q1 , TPS62407-Q1 , TPS62422-Q1 , TPS62423-Q1 , TPS62424-Q1
Transmission of all bits is MSB first and LSB last. Figure 8-4 shows the protocol without the acknowledge request (bit RFA = 0), Figure 8-5 with the acknowledge request (bit RFA = 1).
Prior to both bytes, device address byte and data byte, one must apply a start condition. For this, pull the MODE/DATA pin high for at least tStart before the bit transmission starts with the falling edge. In case the MODE/DATA line was already at a high level (forced PWM mode selection), the device requires no start condition prior to the device address byte.
Close the transmission of each byte with an end-of-stream condition for at least tEOS.