SLVSA76G March 2010 – January 2016 TPS65180B , TPS65181B
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | VREF | O | Filter pin for 2.25-V internal reference to ADC |
2 | nINT | O | Open-drain interrupt pin (active low) |
3 | VNEG | O | Negative supply output pin for panel source drivers |
4 | VNEG_IN | I | Input pin for LDO2 (VNEG) |
5 | WAKEUP | I | Wake-up pin (active high). Pull this pin high to wake up from sleep mode. |
6 | DGND | — | Digital ground |
7 | INT_LDO2 | O | Internal supply (digital circuitry) filter pin |
8 | AGND1 | — | Analog ground for general analog circuitry |
9 | INT_LDO1 | O | Internal supply (analog circuitry) filter pin |
10 | VIN | I | Input power supply to general circuitry |
11 | VCOM_XADJ | I | Analog input for conventional VCOM setup method. Tie this pin to ground if VCOM is set through I2C interface. |
12 | VCOM_CTRL | I | VCOM_PANEL gate driver enable (active high) |
13 | N/C | — | Not connected |
14 | VCOM_PANEL | O | Panel common-voltage output pin |
15 | VCOM | O | Filter pin for panel common-voltage driver |
16 | VCOM_PWR | I | Internal supply input pin to VCOM buffer. Connect to the output of DCDC2. |
17 | SCL | I | Serial interface (I2C) clock input |
18 | SDA | I/O | Serial interface (I2C) data input and output |
19 | PWR3 | I | Enable pin for CP1 (VDDH) (active-high) |
20 | PWR2 | I | Enable pin for LDO1 (VPOS) (active-high) |
21 | PWR1 | I | Enable pin for CP2 (VEE) (active-high) |
22 | PWR0 | I | Enable pin for LDO2 (VNEG) and VCOM (active-high) |
23 | PowerPAD (PBKG) | — | Die substrate/thermal pad. Connect to VN with short, wide trace. Wide copper trace improves heat dissipation. PowerPad must not be connected to ground. |
24 | PWR_GOOD | O | Open-drain power-good output pin (active-low) |
25 | VN_SW | O | Inverting buck-boost converter switch out (DCDC2) |
26 | N/C | — | Not connected |
27 | VIN_P | I | Input power supply to inverting buck-boost converter (DCDC2) |
28 | VN | I | Feedback pin for inverting buck-boost converter (DCDC2) |
29 | VEE_IN | I | Input supply pin for CP1 (VEE) |
30 | VEE_DRV | O | Driver output pin for negative charge pump (CP2) |
31 | VEE_D | O | Base voltage output pin for negative charge pump (CP2) |
32 | VEE_FB | I | Feedback pin for negative charge pump (CP2) |
33 | PGND2 | — | Power ground for CP1 (VDDH) and CP2 (VEE) charge pumps |
34 | VDDH_FB | I | Feedback pin for positive charge pump (CP1) |
35 | VDDH_D | O | Base voltage output pin for positive charge pump (CP1) |
36 | VDDH_DRV | O | Driver output pin for positive charge pump (CP1) |
37 | VDDH_IN | I | Input supply pin for positive charge pump (CP1) |
38 | N/C | — | Not connected |
39 | N/C | — | Not connected |
40 | VB_SW | O | Boost converter switch out (DCDC1) |
41 | PGND3 | — | Power ground for DCDC1 |
42 | VB | I | Feedback pin for boost converter (DCDC1) |
43 | VPOS_IN | I | Input pin for LDO1 (VPOS) |
44 | VPOS | O | Positive supply output pin for panel source drivers |
45 | VIN3P3 | I | Input pin to 3.3-V power switch |
46 | V3P3 | O | Output pin of 3.3-V power switch |
47 | TS | I | Thermistor input pin. Connect a 10k NTC thermistor and a 43k linearization resistor between this pin and AGND2. |
48 | AGND2 | — | Reference point to external thermistor and linearization resistor |