TPS65381A-Q1デバイスは、自動車市場および産業用市場で見られるような安全関連アプリケーションのマイコン(MCU)に電源を供給するために設計されたマルチレール電源装置です。このデバイスは、テキサス・インスツルメンツのHercules™ TMS570 MCUおよびC2000™ MCUファミリと、デュアル・コア・ロックステップ(LS)または疎結合(LC)アーキテクチャを使用する各種マイコンをサポートします。
TPS65381A-Q1デバイスは、MCU、コントローラ・エリア・ネットワーク(CAN) 、FlexRayまたは外部センサに電源を供給する複数の電源レールを内蔵しています。内部FET付きの非同期降圧スイッチ・モード電源コンバータが、入力電源(バッテリ)電圧を6Vのプリレギュレータ出力に変換して、他のレギュレータに供給します。このデバイスは、イグニッション信号からのウェークアップ、またはCANトランシーバ信号からのウェークアップをサポートします。
TPS65381A-Q1デバイスは、32ピンHTSSOP PowerPADパッケージで供給されます。
型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(公称) |
TPS65381A-Q1 | HTSSOP (32) | 11.00mm×6.20mm |
The pin configuration drawing in this section is not to scale. For package dimensions, see the mechanical data in Section 10.
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | VBAT_SAFING | PWR | Battery (supply) input for monitoring (VMON) and BG2 functions (must be reverse protected), should be connected to VBATP |
2 | VCP | PWR | Charge-pump output voltage |
3 | CP1 | PWR | Charge-pump external capacitor, high-voltage side |
4 | CP2 | PWR | Charge-pump external capacitor, low-voltage side |
5 | PGND | GND | Ground (power) |
6 | NRES | O | Cold reset output signal for the microcontroller (MCU) (active-low, internal pullup, open drain output) |
7 | DIAG_OUT | O | Diagnostic output pin for diagnostic MUX. Internal analog (AMUX) and digital (DMUX) signal connection to MCU ADC and digital IO |
8 | NCS | I | SPI chip select (active-low, internal pullup) |
9 | SDI | I | SPI serial data IN (internal pulldown) |
10 | SDO | O | SPI serial data OUT |
11 | SCLK | I | SPI clock (internal pull down) |
12 | RSTEXT | I | Configuration pin to set reset extension time through a resistor to GND |
13 | ERROR/WDI | I | Error input signal from the MCU while using the MCU ESM (with the watchdog in Q&A Mode), trigger input for the watchdog in trigger mode (MCU ESM not used). This pin is edge triggered. |
14 | CANWU | I | Wake-up input from CAN transceiver, other transceiver or other source. Wake-up request latched with CANWU_L. (internal pulldown) |
15 | VSFB1 | I | Feedback input reference for sensor supply regulator (VSOUT1) |
16 | VSIN | PWR | Input supply voltage for the sensor-supply regulator (VSOUT1) |
17 | VSOUT1 | PWR | Output voltage for the VSOUT1 sensor-supply regulator |
18 | VTRACK1 | I | Tracking input reference for sensor-supply regulator (VSOUT1) (internal pulldown) |
19 | GND | GND | Ground (analog) |
23 | GND | GND | Ground (analog) |
20 | VDD5 | PWR | VDD5 regulator output voltage |
21 | VDD3/5 | PWR | VDD3/5 regulator output voltage |
22 | VDDIO | PWR | I/O supply input for pins to and from the MCU |
24 | VDD1_SENSE | I | Reference input for VDD1 regulator (feedback) and input for UV/OV monitoring of VDD1 regulator |
25 | PGND | GND | Ground (power) |
26 | VDD1_G | O | Gate drive of external FET for VDD1 regulator |
27 | VDD6 | PWR | VDD6 switch mode regulator feedback input and supply input for integrated VDD5 and VDD3/5 regulators |
28 | SDN6 | PWR | Switching node for VDD6 switch mode regulator |
29 | VBATP | PWR | Battery (supply) voltage (must be reverse protected), main power supply input for device |
30 | IGN | I | Wake-up input from ignition (key) or other source (internal pulldown) |
31 | SEL_VDD3/5 | I | Input selects voltage level for VDD3/5 regulator (SEL_VDD3/5 pin open: 3.3-V regulation from VDD3/5; SEL_VDD3/5 pin to GND: 5-V regulation from VDD3/5) |
32 | ENDRV | O | Enable output signal for peripherals (for example, motor-driver IC), safing path output (internal pullup, open drain output) |
— | Thermal pad | — | Place thermal vias to large ground plane and connect to GND and PGND pins. |
POS | MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||
M1.1 | Protected-battery voltage | VBATP, VBAT_SAFING, VSIN | –0.3 | 40 | V |
M1.2 | Charge-pump voltage | VCP, CP1(3) | –0.3 | lesser of VBATP + 16 or 52 | V |
M1.3 | Charge-pump pumping capacitor voltage | CP2 | –0.3 | 40 | V |
M1.3a | Charge-pump overdrive voltage | VCP(3)-VBATP | –0.3 | 16 | V |
M1.4 | VDD6 switching-node voltage | SDN6 | –0.3 | 40 | V |
M1.5 | VDD6 output voltage | VDD6 | –0.3 | 40 | V |
M1.6 | VDD5 output voltage | VDD5 | –0.3 | 7 | V |
M1.7 | VDD3/5 output voltage | VDD3/5 | –0.3 | 7 | V |
M1.8 | VDD1_G voltage | VDD1_G | –0.3 | 15 | V |
M1.10 | VDD1_SENSE voltage | VDD1_SENSE | –0.3 | 7 | V |
M1.11 | Sensor supply tracking voltage | VTRACK1 | –0.3 | 40 | V |
M1.12 | Sensor supply output and feedback voltage | VSOUT1, VSFB1(4) | –2 | 18 | V |
M1.14 | Analog/digital reference output voltage | DIAG_OUT | –0.3 | 7 | V |
M1.15 | Logic I/O voltage | VDDIO, ERROR/WDI, ENDRV, NRES, NCS, SDI, SDO, SCLK, RSTEXT | –0.3 | 7 | V |
M1.16 | SEL_VDD3/5 | –0.3 | 40 | V | |
M1.17 | IGN wakeup | IGN | –7 | 40 | V |
M1.18 | CAN wakeup | CANWU | –0.3 | 40 | V |
M1.19 | Operating virtual junction temperature, TJ | 150 | °C | ||
Storage temperature, Tstg | –65 | 150 | °C |
POS. | VALUE | UNIT | ||||
M1.21 | V(ESD) | Electrostatic discharge | Human body model (HBM), per AEC Q100-002(1) | All pins except VSOUT1 (17) and VSFB1 (15) | ±2000 | V |
M1.20 | On sensor supply pins VSOUT1 (17) and VSFB1 (15) | ±4000 | ||||
M1.22 | Charged device model (CDM), per AEC Q100-011 | Corner pins (1, 16, 17, and 32) | ±750 | |||
M1.23 | All pins | ±500 |
POS | MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||
M1.20a | Operating ambient temperature, TA | –40 | 125 | °C | |
R1.1 | Minimum input supply voltage on VBATP for initial power up (POS 6.2, VBATP_UVon)(2)(3) | 5.8(4) | V | ||
R1.2 | Input supply voltage on VBATP (2)(3)(1)
5.8 | 34(6) | V | |
R1.3 | Input supply voltage on VBATP after initial power up, functional operation during low input supply voltage events, (POS 6.1, VBATP_UVoff):(2)(5)
4.5 | 5.8 | V | |
R1.4 | VDDIO supply-voltage range | 3.3 | 5 | V | |
R1.5 | Current consumption in standby mode (all regulator outputs disabled) IGN = 0 V, CANWU = 0 V, 5.8 V ≤ VBAT ≤ 20 V for TJ < 85°C or 5.8 V ≤ VBAT ≤ 14 V tor TJ = 125°C |
75 | µA |
DAP (HTSSOP) | |||
32 PINS | |||
RθJA | Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance | 26.3 | °C/W |
RθJC(top) | Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance | 14.1 | °C/W |
RθJB | Junction-to-board thermal resistance | 6 | °C/W |
ψJT | Junction-to-top characterization parameter | 0.2 | °C/W |
ψJB | Junction-to-board characterization parameter | 6.2 | °C/W |
RθJC(bot) | Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance | 0.5 | °C/W |
AN | CVDD6 | Value of output ceramic capacitor(1) | ESR range 100 mΩ to 300 mΩ(2) | 22 | 47 | µF | ||
AN | LVDD6 | Value of inductor | 22 | 33 | µH | |||
1.1 | VDD6 | VDD6 output voltage | Average DC value excluding ripple and load transients, VBAT > 7 V, 0 < IVDD6 < 1.3 A, including dc line and load regulation, temperature drift, and long-term drift where VBAT = VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 5.4 | 6 | 6.6 | V | |
1.1a | VDD6ripple | VDD6 ripple voltage | Peak-to-peak, ensured by design VBATP = VBAT_SAFING = 14 V, L = 33 µH, C = 22 µF |
200 | mV | |||
1.2 | IVDD6 | VDD6 output current IVDD5 + IVDD3/5 + IVDD1+ IVSOUT1(6) | 1.3 | A | ||||
1.3 | Vdropout6 | VDD6 output dropout voltage Vdropout6 = (VBATP – SDN6) | IVDD6 = 1.3 A (example: RDS(on) = 0.46 Ω) |
0.6 | V | |||
1.4 | IVDD6_limit | Peak current out of SDN6 pin(21) | 1.5 | 2.5 | A | |||
1.5 | ƒclk_VDD6 | Clock Frequency (5) | 396 | 440 | 484 | kHz | ||
1.6 | DCVDD6 | ton/tperiod | 0 < IVDD6 < 1.3 A VDD6 enters dropout mode (100% duty cycle) for VBATP < 7 V |
7%(22) | 100% | |||
1.7 | TprotVDD6 | Temperature protection threshold(7) | 175 | 210 | °C | |||
AN | CVDD5 | Value of output ceramic capacitor | ESR range 0 mΩ to 100 mΩ | 1 | 5 | µF | ||
2.1 | VDD5 | VDD5 output voltage(8) | 0 < IVDD5 < 300 mA | 4.9 | 5 | 5.1 | V | |
2.2 | IVDD5 | VDD5 output current, including load from the internal resistor of 660 Ω (typical) | 300 | mA | ||||
2.3 | VDD5dyn | VDD5 output voltage dynamic | Load step 20% to 80% in 5 µs, with CVDD5 = 5 µF | 4.85 | 5 | 5.15 | V | |
2.4 | VDD5max | Maximum VDD5 output voltage during VBATP step from 5.5 V to 13.5 V within 10 μs | CVDD5 = 5 µF, IVDD5 < 300 mA | 5.5 | V | |||
2.5 | Vdropout5 | VDD5 output dropout voltage Vdropout5 = (VDD6 – VDD5) | IVDD5 < 300 mA | 0.3 | V | |||
2.6 | PSRRVDD5 | Power supply rejection ratio | 50 < f < 20 kHz, VBATP = 10 V, U = 4 Vpp, CVDD5 = 5 μF, 0 < IVDD5 < 300 mA |
> 40 | dB | |||
2.7 | LnRegVDD5 | Line regulation (IVDD5 constant) | 0 < IVDD5 < 300 mA, 8 V < VBATP < 19 V |
–25 | 25 | mV | ||
2.8 | LdRegVDD5 | Load regulation (VDD6 constant) | 0 < IVDD5 < 300 mA, 8 V < VBATP < 19 V |
–25 | 25 | mV | ||
2.9 | TmpCoVDD5 | Temperature drift | Normalized to 25°C value | –0.5% | 0.5% | |||
2.11 | dVDD5/dt | dV/dt at VDD5 at startup | Between 10% and 90% of VDD5 end-value | 5 | 50 | V/ms | ||
2.13 | TprotVDD5 | Temperature protection threshold(9) | 175 | 210 | °C | |||
2.14 | IVDD5_limit | Current-limit(26) | 350 | 650 | mA | |||
AN | CVDD3/5 | Value of output ceramic capacitor | ESR range 0 mΩ to 100 mΩ | 1 | 5 | µF | ||
3.1a | VDD3/5 | VDD3/5 output voltage, SEL_VDD3/5 pin: open = 3.3 V setting, ground = 5 V setting | 0 < IVDD3/5 < 300 mA | 3.3-V Setting | 3.234 | 3.3 | 3.366 | V |
3.1b | 5-V Setting | 4.9 | 5 | 5.1 | ||||
3.2 | IVDD3/5 | VDD3/5 output current, including load from the internal resistor of 440 Ω (typ.) for 3.3 V setting or 660 Ω (typ.) for 5 V setting(23) | 300 | mA | ||||
3.3a | VDD3/5dyn | VDD3/5 output voltage dynamic | Load step 20% to 80% in 5 µs, with CVDD3/5 = 5 µF |
3.3-V Setting | 3.15 | 3.3 | 3.43 | V |
3.3b | 5-V Setting | 4.85 | 5 | 5.15 | ||||
3.4 | VDD3/5max | Maximum VDD3/5 output voltage during VBATP step from 5.5 V to 13.5 V within 10 μs | CVDD3/5 = 5 µF, IVDD3/5 < 300 mA | 3.3-V Setting | 3.6 | V | ||
5-V Setting | 5.5 | |||||||
3.5 | Vdropout3/5 | VDD3/5 output dropout voltage Vdropout3/5 = (VDD6–VDD3/5) | IVDD3/5 < 300 mA | 0.3 | V | |||
3.6 | PSRRVDD3/5 | Power-supply rejection ratio | 50 < f < 20 kHz, VBATP = 10 V, U = 4 Vpp CVDD3/5 = 5 μF, 0 < IVDD3/5 < 300 mA |
> 40 | dB | |||
3.7 | LnRegVDD3/5 | Line regulation (IVDD3 constant) | 0 < IVDD3/5 < 300 mA, 8 V < VBATP < 19 V |
–25 | 25 | mV | ||
3.8 | LdRegVDD3/5 | Load regulation (VDD6 constant) | 0 < IVDD3/5 < 300 mA 8 V < VBATP < 19 V |
–25 | 25 | mV | ||
3.9 | TmpCoVDD3/5 | Temperature drift | Normalized to 25°C value | –0.5% | 0.5% | |||
3.11 | dVDD35/dt | dV/dt at VDD3/5 at start-up | Between 10% and 90% of VDD3/5 end-value | 3.3-V Setting | 3 | 30 | V/ms | |
5-V Setting | 5 | 50 | ||||||
3.13 | TprotVDD3/5 | Temperature protection threshold(10) | 175 | 210 | °C | |||
3.14 | IVDD3/5_limit | Current-limit(27) | 350 | 650 | mA | |||
3.15 | Ipu_SEL_VDD3/5 | Pullup current on SEL_VDD3/5 pin | 20 | µA | ||||
AN | Vgs(th) | Gate threshold voltage, external FET | ID = 1 mA | 0.3 | 3 | V | ||
AN | Ciss | Gate capacitance, external FET | VGS = 0 V | 3200 | pF | |||
AN | Qgate | Gate Charge, external FET | VGS = 0 V to 10 V | 70 | nC | |||
AN | gfs | Forward transconductance, external FET | ID = 50 mA | 0.4 | S | |||
AN | CVDD1 | Value of output ceramic capacitor | ESR range 0 mΩ to 100 mΩ | 5 | 40 | µF | ||
4.1 | VDD1 | VDD1 output voltage, depends on external resistive divider | 0.8 | 3.3 | V | |||
4.2 | VDD1SENSE | VDD1 reference voltage(11) | 10 mA < IVDD1 < 600 mA | 0.792 | 0.8 | 0.808 | V | |
4.2a | VDD1SENSE_BIAS | Bias current of VDD1SENSE | –6.6 | –10 | µA | |||
4.3 | IVDD1 | VDD1 output current | Minimum current realized with external resistive divider | 10 | 600 | mA | ||
4.4 | VDD1G | VDD1_G output voltage | Referenced to GND | 15 | V | |||
4.5 | VDD1G_off | VDD1_G voltage in OFF condition | 20 µA into VDD1_G pin | 0.3 | V | |||
4.6 | I_VDD1G | VDD1_G DC load current | 200 | µA | ||||
4.7 | VDD1dyn | VDD1 output voltage dynamic | Load step 10% to 90% in 1 μs, with CVDD1 = 40 μF(24) | ± 4% | ||||
4.8 | VDD1max | Maximum VDD1 output voltage during VBATP step from 5.5 V to 13.5 V within 10 μs | CVDD1 > 6 µF, IVDD1< 600 mA | VDD1 = 0.8-V output | 0.898 | V | ||
VDD1 = 1.23-V output | 1.287 | |||||||
VDD1 = 3.3-V output | 3.435 | |||||||
4.9 | PSRRVDD1 | Power-supply rejection ratio | 50 < f < 20 kHz, VBATP = 10 V, U = 4 Vpp, CVDD1 = 10 μF, 10 mA < IVDD1 < 600 mA |
> 40 | dB | |||
4.10 | LnRegVDD1 | Line regulation on VDD1_SENSE (IVDD1 constant) | 10 mA < IVDD1< 600 mA, 8 V < VBATP < 19 V | –7 | 7 | mV | ||
4.11 | LdRegVDD1 | Load regulation on VDD1_SENSE (VDD6 constant) | 10 mA < IVDD1 < 600 mA, 8 V < VBATP < 19 V | –7 | 7 | mV | ||
4.12 | TmpCoVDD1 | Temperature drift | Normalized to 25°C value | –0.5% | 0.5% | |||
4.14 | dVDD1/dt | dV/dt at VDD1_SENSE at start-up | Between 10% and 90% of VDD1 end-value | 0.8 | 8 | V/ms | ||
AN | CVSOUT1 | Value of output ceramic capacitor | ESR range 0 mΩ to 100 mΩ | 0.5 | 10 | µF | ||
5.1 | VSOUT1 | VSOUT1 output voltage, depends on external resistive divider and tracking or non-tracking mode | 3.3 | 9.5 | V | |||
5.2 | MVVSOUT1 | For tracking mode: Matching output error MVVSOUT1 = (VTRACK1 – VSFB1)(12) |
0 < IVSOUT1 < 100 mA | –35 | 35 | mV | ||
5.3 | VSFB1 | For non-tracking mode: VSOUT1 reference voltage(13) | 10 mA < IVSOUT1 < 100 mA | 2.45 | 2.5 | 2.55 | V | |
5.3a | VTRACK1th | Threshold for selecting tracking/non-tracking mode (VTRACK1 > VTRACK1th_max V for tracking mode, VTRACK1 < VTRACK1th_min V non-tracking mode) |
1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | V | |
5.3b | VTRACK1pd | Internal pulldown resistance on VTRACK1 pin | 100 | kΩ | ||||
5.4 | IVSOUT1 | VSOUT1 output current, including internal resistor to dissipate minimum current(25) | 100 | mA | ||||
5.5 | VdrS1 | VSOUT1 dropout voltage VdrS1 = (VSIN-VSOUT1) | 0 < IVSOUT1 < 100 mA | 0.75 | V | |||
5.6 | PSRRVSOUT1 | Power-supply rejection ratio | With VTRACK1 = GND, VSOUT1 = 4.5V, 50 < f < 20 kHz, VSIN = 10 V, U = 4 Vpp CVSOUT1 = 1 μF, 0 < IVSOUT1 < 100 mA, |
> 40 | dB | |||
5.7 | LnRegVSOUT1 | Line regulation (IVSOUT1 constant) | 0 < IVSOUT1 < 100 mA, 8 V < VSIN < 19 V | –25 | 25 | mV | ||
5.8 | LdRegVSOUT1 | Load regulation (VSIN constant) | 0 < IVSOUT1 < 100 mA, 8 V < VSIN < 19 V | –35 | 35 | mV | ||
5.9 | TmpCoVSOUT1 | Temperature drift | Normalized to 25°C value | –0.5% | 0.5% | |||
5.11 | VSOUT1SH | Output short circuit voltage range | VSOUT1 (VSFB1 configured for regulation)(28) | –2 | 18 | V | ||
5.12 | –IVSIN | Output reverse current | VSOUT1 = 14 V and VBATP = 0 V, regulator switched off | 20 | mA | |||
5.13 | TprotVSOUT1 | Temperature protection threshold(14) | 175 | 210 | °C | |||
5.14 | IVSOUT1_limit | Current-limit | 120 | 500 | mA | |||
6.1 | VBATP_UVoff | VBATP and VBAT_SAFING level for indication by VBAT_UV comparitor(15) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 4.2 | 4.5 | V | ||
6.2 | VBATP_UVon | VBATP and VBAT_SAFING level for indication by VBAT_UV comparitor(15) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 5.4 | 5.8 | V | ||
6.3 | VBATP_UVhys | Undervoltage hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 1.1 | 1.4 | V | ||
6.4 | VBATP_OVrise | VBATP level for setting VBAT_OV flag(16) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 34.7 | 36.7 | V | ||
6.5 | VBATP_OVfall | VBATP level for clearing VBAT_OV flag(17) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 34.4 | 36.3 | V | ||
6.8 | VDD5_UV | VDD5 undervoltage level | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 4.5 | 4.85 | V | ||
6.8a | Hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 140 | mV | ||||
6.9 | VDD5_UVhead | VDD5 undervoltage headroom (VDD5act – VDD5_UVact) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 200 | mV | |||
6.10 | VDD5_OV | VDD5 overvoltage level | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 5.2 | 5.45 | V | ||
6.10a | Hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 140 | mV | ||||
6.11 | VDD5_OVhead | VDD5 overvoltage headroom (VDD5_OVact – VDD5act) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 200 | mV | |||
6.12 | VDD3/5_UV | VDD3/5 undervoltage level | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 3.3-V setting | 3 | 3.17 | V | |
5-V setting | 4.5 | 4.85 | ||||||
6.12a | Hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 3.3-V setting | 100 | mV | |||
5-V setting | 140 | |||||||
6.13 | VDD3/5_UVhead | VDD3/5 undervoltage headroom (VDD3/5act – VDD3/5_UVact) |
VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 3.3-V setting | 155 | mV | ||
5-V setting | 200 | |||||||
6.14 | VDD3/5_OV | VDD5_3 overvoltage level | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 3.3-V setting | 3.43 | 3.6 | V | |
5-V setting | 5.2 | 5.5 | ||||||
Hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 3.3-V setting | 100 | mV | ||||
6.14a | 5-V setting | 140 | ||||||
6.15 | VDD3/5_UVhead | VDD3/5 undervoltage headroom (VDD3/5_OVact – VDD3/5act) |
VBATP = VBAT_SAFING | 3.3-V setting | 170 | mV | ||
5-V setting | 200 | |||||||
6.16 | VDD1_UV | VDD1 undervoltage level | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING. Sensed on VDD1_SENSE pin. Relative thresholds are with respect to nominal 800-mV VDD1SENSE (Pos 4.2) | 752 | 784 | mV | ||
6.16a | Hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING. Sensed on VDD1_SENSE pin. Relative thresholds are with respect to nominal 800-mV VDD1SENSE (Pos 4.2) | 10 | mV | ||||
6.17 | VDD1_OV | VDD1 overvoltage level | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING. Sensed on VDD1_SENSE pin. Relative thresholds are with respect to nominal 800-mV VDD1SENSE (Pos 4.2) | 816 | 848 | mV | ||
6.17a | Hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING. Sensed on VDD1_SENSE pin. Relative thresholds are with respect to nominal 800-mV VDD1SENSE (Pos 4.2) | 9 | mV | ||||
6.19 | VSOUT1_UV | VSOUT1 undervoltage level | Sensed on VSFB1 pin. Relative thresholds (ratio) are:
0.88 | 0.94 | VSOUT1 | ||
6.20 | VSOUT1_OV | VSOUT1 overvoltage level | Sensed on VSFB1 pin. Relative thresholds (ratio) are:
1.06 | 1.12 | VSOUT1 | ||
6.22 | VDD6_UV | VDD6 undervoltage level(18) | 5.2 | 5.4 | V | |||
6.22a | Hysteresis | 115 | mV | |||||
6.23 | VDD6_OV | VDD6 overvoltage level(18) | 7.8 | 8.2 | V | |||
6.23a | Hysteresis | 115 | mV | |||||
7.1 | IGN_WUP | IGN wake-up threshold(19) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING =12 V | 2 | 3 | V | ||
7.2 | CAN_WUP | CAN wake-up threshold(19) | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING =12 V | 2 | 3 | V | ||
7.3 | WUP_hyst | Wake-up hysteresis | VBATP = VBAT_SAFING =12 V | 50 | 200 | mV | ||
7.4 | I_IGN | IGN pin forward leakage current | IGN pin at 36 V, VBATP = VBAT_SAFING = 12V | 50 | µA | |||
7.5 | I_IGN_rev | IGN reverse current | IGN at –7 V, VBATP = VBAT_SAFING =12 V | –1 | mA | |||
7.7 | I_CANWU | CANWU pin forward leakage current | CANWU pin at 36 V, VBATP = VBAT_SAFING = 12V | 50 | µA | |||
7.8 | I_CAN_rev | CANWU reverse current | CANWU at –0.3 V, VBATP = VBAT_SAFING =12 V | mA | ||||
CHARGE PUMP | ||||||||
AN | Cpump | Pumping capacitor (between CP1 and CP2) | 10 | nF | ||||
AN | Cstore | Storage capacitor (between VCP and VBATP) | 100 | nF | ||||
8.1 | VCPon | VCP output voltage in on-state | VBATP > 5.8 V | VBATP + 4 | VBATP + 15 | V | ||
8.2 | ICP | External load | Load coming from RGS of Reverse Battery Protection | 100 | µA | |||
8.3 | fCP | Charge-pump switching frequency | 225 | 250 | 275 | kHz | ||
9.1 | VNRES_ENDRV_L | NRES / ENDRV low-output level | With external 2-mA open-drain current | 0.2 | V | |||
9.2 | RNRES_ENDRV_PULLUP | NRES / ENDRV internal pullup resistance | 3 | 6 | kΩ | |||
9.2a | RDS(on)_ENDRV_NRES | RDS(on) NRES/ENDRV pulldown transistor | 40 | Ω | ||||
9.3 | RRSTEXT | Value of external reset extension resistor, in case of open-connect, device stays in RESET state(20) | 0 | 22 | kΩ | |||
9.5 | VENDRV_NRES_TH | ENDRV and NRES input readback logic 1 threshold | Read-back muxed to DIAG_OUT pin | 350 | 400 | 450 | mV | |
10.1 | VDIGIN_HIGH | Digital input, high level for NCS, SDI, SCLK, ERROR/WDI and SEL_VDD3/5 | 2 | V | ||||
10.2 | VDIGIN_LOW | Digital input, low level for NCS, SDI, SCLK, ERROR/WDI and SEL_VDD3/5 | 0.8 | V | ||||
10.3 | VDIGIN_HYST | Digital input hysteresis for NCS, SCI, SCLK and ERROR/WDI(3) | 0.1 | V | ||||
10.4 | RDIAGOUT_AMUX | Output resistance at DIAG_OUT pin in AMUX mode | BG1 selected on AMUX, < 200 nA current in or out of DIAG_OUT pin | 15 | kΩ | |||
10.5 | VDIGOUT_HIGH | Digital output, high level(4) | IOUT = –2 mA (out of pin) | VDDIO – 0.2 | V | |||
10.6 | VDIGOUT_LOW | Digital output, low level(4) | IOUT = 2 mA (into pin) | 0.2 | V | |||
13.12 | RPULL_UP | Internal pullup resistor on NCS input pin | 40 | 70 | 100 | kΩ | ||
13.13 | RPULL_DOWN | Internal pulldown resistor on SDI and SCLK input pins | 40 | 70 | 100 | kΩ |
POS | MIN | NOM | MAX | UNIT | |||
2.12 | tdelayVDD5 | VDD5 voltage stabilization delay | Maximum delay between rising edge on CANWU pin until VDD5 reaches the end-value within 2% | 5 | ms | ||
3.12 | tVDD3/5 | VDD3/5 voltage stabilization delay | Maximum delay after CANWU wakeup for VDD3/5 output to settle | 5 | ms | ||
4.15 | tdelayVDD1 | VDD1 voltage stabilization delay | Maximum delay after CANWU wakeup for VDD1 output to settle | 5 | ms | ||
6.7 | VBATP_deglitch | VBATP undervoltage and overvoltage monitor deglitch time | 180 | 240(1) | 260 | µs | |
6.18 | VDDx_deglitch | VDDx undervoltage and overvoltage monitor deglitch time | 10 | 40 | µs | ||
6.21 | VSOUT1_deglitch | VSOUT1 undervoltage and overvoltage monitor deglitch time | 10 | 40 | µs | ||
7.6 | IGN_deg | IGN deglitch filter time | 7.5 | 22 | ms | ||
7.9 | CANWU_deg | CANWU deglitch filter time | 100 | 350 | µs | ||
9.4 | tRSTEXT(22kΩ) | Reset extension delay | 22 kΩ | 4.05 | 4.5 | 4.95 | ms |
9.4a | tRSTEXT(0kΩ) | Reset extension delay | 0 kΩ | 0.98 | 1.4 | 1.89 | ms |
11.1 | ƒSysclk | System clock frequency (2) | 3.8 | 4 | 4.2 | MHz | |
12.2 | tWD_pulse | Deglitch time on ERROR/WDI pin for watchdog-trigger input signal | 14.25 | 30 | 32 | µs | |
13.1 | ƒSPI | SPI clock (SCLK) frequency | VDDIO = 3.3 V | 5(4) | MHz | ||
VDDIO = 5 V | 6 | ||||||
13.2 | tSPI | SPI clock period | VDDIO = 3.3 V | 200 | ns | ||
VDDIO = 5 V | 167 | ||||||
13.3 | thigh | High time: SCLK logic high duration | See Figure 4-2 | 85.7 | ns | ||
13.4 | tlow | Low time: SCLK logic low duration | 45 | ns | |||
13.5 | tsucs | Setup time NCS: time between falling edge of NCS and rising edge of SCLK | 45 | ns | |||
13.7 | tsusi | Setup time at SDI: setup time of SDI before the falling edge of SCLK | 15 | ns | |||
13.9 | thcs | Hold time: time between the falling edge of SCLK and rising edge of NCS | 45 | ns | |||
13.10 | thlcs | SPI transfer inactive time (time between two transfers) during which NCS must remain high | 788 | ns |
Serial Peripheral Interface Timing(1) | |||||||
13.6 | td1 | Delay time: time delay from falling edge of NCS to SDO transitioning from tri-state to 0 | See Figure 4-2 | 53.3 | ns | ||
13.8 | td2 | Delay time: time delay from rising edge of SCLK to data valid at SDO | 0 | 85.7 | ns | ||
13.11 | ttri | Tri-state delay time: time between rising edge of NCS and SDO in tri-state | 53.3 | ns |