JAJSFK1E November 2014 – March 2022 TPS65400
The 7-bit I2C address is set through the I2CADDR terminal with a resistor RADDR connected to AGND. Table 8-4 shows the connection between the voltage at the I2CADDR terminal and the set I2C address at VDDD = 3 V. The I2C address is determined only upon startup during tRESET_DELAY after rising edge of CE or RST_N. This makes it immune to noise that may occur during normal operation. TI recommends resistors with 5% or lower tolerance. If I2C is not necessary in the application, TI recommends to tie the I2CADDR terminal directly to VDDD.
180 kΩ | 1101 111 |
120 kΩ | 1101 110 |
82 kΩ | 1101 101 |
56 kΩ | 1101 100 |
39 kΩ | 1101 011 |
22 kΩ | 1101 010 |
10 kΩ | 1101 001 |
2 kΩ | Test mode (factory-use only) |