JAJSLQ9C February 2016 – August 2021 TPS65981
NAME | NO. | ||||
AUX_N | 55 | Port Multiplexer | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | System-side DisplayPort connection to the port multiplexer. Ground pin with between 1-kΩ and 5-MΩ resistance when unused. |
AUX_P | 54 | Port Multiplexer | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | System-side DisplayPort connection to the port multiplexer. Ground pin with between 1-kΩ and 5-MΩ resistance when unused. |
BUSPOWERZ | 22 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Analog Input | Input (Hi-Z) | General-purpose digital I/O 10. Sampled by ADC at boot. Tie pin to LDO_3V3 through a 100-kΩ resistor to disable PP_HV and PP_EXT power paths during dead-battery or no-battery boot conditions. Refer to the BUSPOWERZ table for more details. |
C_CC1 | 13 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Output to Type-C CC or VCONN pin. Filter noise with capacitance CC_CC1 to GND. |
C_CC2 | 15 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Output to Type-C CC or VCONN pin. Filter noise with capacitance CC_CC2 to GND. |
C_SBU1 | 10 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Port side-sideband use connection of port multiplexer. |
C_SBU2 | 11 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Port side-sideband use connection of port multiplexer. |
C_USB_BN | 9 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Port-side bottom USB D– connection to the port multiplexer. |
C_USB_BP | 8 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Port-side bottom USB D+ connection to the port multiplexer. |
C_USB_TN | 7 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Port-side top USB D– connection to the port multiplexer. |
C_USB_TP | 6 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Port-side top USB D+ connection to the port multiplexer. |
DEBUG_CTL1 | 45 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 16. At power-up, pin state is sensed to determine bit 4 of the I2C address. |
DEBUG_CTL2 | 44 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 17. At power-up, pin state is sensed to determine bit 5 of the I2C address. |
DEBUG1 | 2 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 15. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO0 | 41 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 0. Float pin if it is configured as a push-pull output in the application. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO2 | 25 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 2. Float pin if it is configured as a push-pull output in the application. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO3 | 19 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 3. Float pin if it is configured as a push-pull output in the application. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO4 | 26 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 4. Configured as a hot-plug detect (HPD) transistor, HPD receiver, or both when DisplayPort mode is supported. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO5 | 23 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 5. Can be configured as a HPD receiver when DisplayPort mode is supported. Must be tied high or low through a 1-kΩ pull-up or pull-down resistor when used as a configuration input. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO6 | 20 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 6. Float pin if it is configured as a push-pull output in the application. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO7 | 38 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 7. Float pin if it is configured as a push-pull output in the application. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
GPIO8 | 1 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 8. Float pin if it is configured as a push-pull output in the application. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
HV_GATE1 | 31 | External HV FET Control and Sense | Analog Output | Short to SENSEP | External NFET gate control for high voltage power path. Float pin when unused. |
HV_GATE2 | 32 | External HV FET Control and Sense | Analog Output | Short to VBUS | External NFET gate control for high voltage power path. Float pin when unused. |
I2C_IRQZ | 43 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital Output | Hi-Z | I2C port interrupt. Active low. Implement externally as an open-drain with a pull-up resistance. Float pin when unused. |
I2C_SCL | 47 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Digital Input | I2C port serial clock. Open-drain output. Tie pin to LDO_3V3 or VDDIO (depending on configuration) through a 10-kΩ resistor when used or unused. |
I2C_SDA | 46 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Digital Input | I2C port serial data. Open-drain output. Tie pin to LDO_3V3 or VDDIO (depending on configuration) through a 10-kΩ resistor when used or unused. |
LDO_1V8A | 56 | Low Current | Power | N/A | Output of the 1.8-V LDO for core analog circuits. Bypass with capacitance CLDO_1V8A to GND. |
LDO_1V8D | 40 | Low Current | Power | N/A | Output of the 1.8-V LDO for core digital circuits. Bypass with capacitance CLDO_1V8D to GND. |
LDO_3V3 | 51 | Low Current | Power | N/A | Output of the VBUS to 3.3-V LDO or connected to VIN_3V3 by a switch. Main internal supply rail. Used to power external flash memory. Bypass with capacitance CLDO_3V3 to GND. |
LDO_BMC | 48 | Low Current | Power | N/A | Output of the USB-PD BMC transceiver output level LDO. Bypass with capacitance CLDO_BMC to GND. |
MRESET | 24 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Hi-Z | General-purpose digital I/O 11. Forces RESETZ to assert. By default, this pin asserts RESETZ when pulled high. The pin can be programmed to assert RESETZ when pulled low. Ground pin with a 1-MΩ resistor when unused in the application. |
PP_5V0 | 27 | High Current | Power | N/A | 5-V supply for VBUS. Bypass with capacitance CPP_5V0 to GND. Tie pin to GND when unused |
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PP_CABLE | 14 | High Current | Power | N/A | 5-V supply for C_CC pins. Bypass with capacitance CPP_CABLE to GND when not tied to PP_5V0. Tie pin to PP_5V0 when unused. |
PP_HV | 33 | High Current | Power | N/A | HV supply for VBUS. Bypass with capacitance CPP_HV to GND. Tie pin to GND when unused |
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R_OSC | 52 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | External resistance setting for oscillator accuracy. Connect R_OSC to GND through resistance RR_OSC. |
RESETZ | 21 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital I/O | Push-Pull Output (Low) | General-purpose digital I/O 9. Active low reset output when VIN_3V3 is low (driven low on start-up). Float pin when unused. |
RPD_G1 | 12 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Tie pin to C_CC1 when configured to receive power in dead-battery or no-power condition. Tie pin to GND otherwise. |
RPD_G2 | 16 | Type-C Port | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | Tie pin to C_CC2 when configured to receive power in dead-battery or no-power condition. Tie pin to GND otherwise. |
SENSEN | 29 | External HV FET Control and Sense | Analog Input | Analog Input | Positive sense for external high voltage power path current sense resistance. Short pin to VBUS when unused. |
SENSEP | 30 | External HV FET Control and Sense | Analog Input | Analog Input | Positive sense for external high voltage power path current sense resistance. Short pin to VBUS when unused. |
SPI_CLK | 37 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital Output | Digital Input | SPI serial clock. Connect pin directly to SPI Flash IC. Refer to the Boot Code section for more details on the SPI Flash. |
SPI_POCI | 35 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital Input | Digital Input | SPI serial controller input from peripheral. Tie pin to LDO_3V3 through a 3.3-kΩ resistor. |
SPI_PICO | 36 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital Output | Digital Input | SPI serial controller output to peripheral. Connect pin directly to SPI flash IC. |
SPI_CSZ | 39 | Digital Core I/O and Control | Digital Output | Digital Input | SPI chip select. Tie pin to LDO_3V3 through a 3.3-kΩ resistor. |
SS | 3 | External HV FET Control and Sense | Analog Output | Driven Low | Soft Start. Tie pin to capacitance CSS to ground. |
SWD_CLK | 50 | Port Multiplexer | Digital Input | Resistive Pull High | SWD serial clock. Float pin when unused. |
SWD_DATA | 49 | Port Multiplexer | Digital I/O | Resistive Pull High | SWD serial data. Float pin when unused. |
USB_RP_N | 5 | Port Multiplexer | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | System-side USB2.0 high-speed connection to the port multiplexer. Ground pin with between 1-kΩ and 5-MΩ resistance when unused. |
USB_RP_P | 4 | Port Multiplexer | Analog I/O | Hi-Z | System-side USB2.0 high-speed connection to the port multiplexer. Ground pin with between 1-kΩ and 5-MΩ resistance when unused. |
VBUS | 17 | High Current | Power | N/A | 5-V output from PP_5V0. Input or output from PP_HV up to 20 V. Bypass with capacitance CVBUS to GND. |
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VDDIO | 42 | Low Current | Power | N/A | VDD for I/O. Some I/Os are reconfigurable to be powered from VDDIO instead of LDO_3V3. When VDDIO is not used, tie pin to LDO_3V3. When not tied to LDO_3V3 and used as a supply input, bypass with capacitance CVDDIO to GND. |
VIN_3V3 | 53 | Low Current | Power | N/A | Supply for core circuitry and I/O. Bypass with capacitance CVIN_3V3 to GND. |
GND (Thermal Pad) | Ground | Ground | Hi-Z | Ground. Connect directly to ground plane in accordance with the guidelines listed in the Layout Guidelines section to achieve the measured values in the Thermal Information table. |