TPS7A02 は、非常に優れた過渡性能で 200mA を供給できる超小型超低静止電流の低ドロップアウト・レギュレータ (LDO) です。
IQ が 25nA
と非常に小さい TPS7A02
は、超低静止電流が重要な条件であるアプリケーション向けに設計されています。このデバイスはドロップアウト・モードでも小さな IQ
消費を維持するため、バッテリ動作時間をさらに延長できます。シャットダウンまたはディセーブル・モードでは、わずか 3nA の IQ
TPS7A02 は、最新のマイクロコントローラ (MCU) の低いコア電圧に対応するため、0.8V~5.0V (50mV 刻み)
TPS7A02 は、スマート・イネーブル回路を備え、内部で制御されるプルダウン抵抗により、EN ピンをフローティング状態のままにしても LDO をディセーブル状態に維持します。これにより、EN ピンのプルダウンに使用する外付け部品を最小限に抑えることができます。この回路は、本デバイスがイネーブル状態のときに外付けプルダウン回路を流れる電流を最小化するのにも役立ちます。
TPS7A02 は、TJ = -40℃~+125℃の範囲で動作が完全に規定されています。
部品番号 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ (公称) |
TPS7A02 | DQN (X2SON、4) | 1.00mm × 1.00mm |
YCH (DSBGA、4) | 0.64mm×0.64mm | |
DBV (SOT-23、5) | 2.90mm × 1.60mm |
NAME | DQN | DBV | ||
EN | 3 | 3 | Input | Enable pin. Driving this pin to logic high enables the device; driving this pin to logic low or floating this pin disables the device. This pin features an internal pulldown resistor, which is disconnected when EN is driven high externally and the device has started up. |
GND | 2 | 2 | — | Ground pin. This pin must be connected to ground on the board. |
IN | 4 | 1 | Input | Input pin. For best transient response and to minimize input impedance, use the recommended value or larger ceramic capacitor from IN to ground; see the Section 6.3 table. Place the input capacitor as close to the input of the device as possible. |
NC | — | 4 | — | No connect pin. This pin is not internally connected. Connect to ground or leave floating. |
OUT | 1 | 5 | Output | Regulated output pin. A 0.5-µF or greater effective capacitance is required from OUT to ground for stability. For best transient response, use a 1-µF or larger ceramic capacitor from OUT to ground. Place the output capacitor as close to output of the device as possible; see the Section 6.3 table. |
Thermal pad | –– | — | Connect the thermal pad to a large-area ground plane. The thermal pad is internally connect to ground. |
YCH | NAME | ||
A1 | IN | Input | Input pin. For best transient response and to minimize input impedance, use the recommended value or larger ceramic capacitor from IN to ground; see the Section 6.3 table. Place the input capacitor as close to input of the device as possible. |
A2 | OUT | Output | Regulated output pin. A 0.5-µF or greater effective capacitance is required from OUT to ground for stability. For best transient response, use a 1-µF or larger ceramic capacitor from OUT to ground. Place the output capacitor as close to output of the device as possible; see the Section 6.3 table. |
B1 | EN | Input | Enable pin. Driving this pin to logic high enables the device; driving this pin to logic low or floating this pin disables the device. This pin features an internal pulldown resistor, which is disconnected when EN is driven high externally and the device has started up. |
B2 | GND | — | Ground pin. This pin must be connected to ground and the thermal pad. |