JAJSTS9 October 2024 TPSI31P1-Q1
The battery voltage (VBAT), link capacitance (CDC_LINK), along with the target pre-charge time determines the average charging current (IAVG) required. This may be computed as follows:
The average current is defined as:
The peak current, IPEAK, represents the maximum current through the inductor, and is defined by:
Similarly, the minimum current, IMIN, represents the minimum current through the inductor, and is defined by:
Therefore, to find the shunt resistor, RSENSE, required to properly set the inductor current, the following equation can be used:
For this design, RSENSE was selected as 300mΩ.
The peak inductor current is computed as:
The minimum inductor current is computed as:
The average inductor current is computed as:
During pre-charge, due to the hysteretic control, the switching frequency of the FET changes over time as the voltage on the link capacitance increases from fully discharged to fully pre-charged. The maximum switching frequency, fSW_MAX_FET, occurs when the voltage on the link capacitance reaches its midpoint value, VBAT/2. This occurs at half the total pre-charge time.
The minimum power transfer of the TPSI31P1-Q1 is limited to 42mW at 85 °C. Since the FET is switching during pre-charge, the total gate charge of the FET must be fully charged and discharged each switching cycle. This minimum power transfer constrains the maximum frequency the TPSI31P1-Q1 can switch the FET. The FET selected has a total gate charge, QTOTAL, of 30nC. Assuming VGS = 15V to ensure full enhancement of the FET, the maximum switching frequency is:
Based on the maximum switching frequency, the minimum inductance, LMIN, can be computed:
For this design, two inductors connected in series with a total value of 940μH was selected which reduces the maximum switching frequency to 61.3kHz, well within the power transfer capabilities of the TPSI31P1-Q1. It is important that an inductor be chosen that can support the average and peak currents required. Higher inductor and ΔI values reduce the switching frequency and power requirements.