JAJSN59 April 2022 TPSM63603E
The EN/SYNC pin provides precision ON and OFF control for the TPSM63603E. Once the EN/SYNC pin voltage exceeds the threshold voltage and VIN is above the minimum turn-on threshold, the device starts operation. The simplest way to enable the TPSM63603E is to connect EN/SYNC directly to VIN, allowing the TPSM63603E to start up when VIN is within its valid operating range. However, many applications benefit from the employment of an enable divider network as shown in Figure 8-3, which establishes a precision input undervoltage lockout (UVLO). This can be used for sequencing, to prevent re-triggering the device when used with long input cables, or to reduce the occurrence of deep discharge of a battery power source. An external logic signal can also be used to drive the enable input to toggle the output on and off and for system sequencing or protection.
RENB can be calculated using Equation 6.