TXU0x04-Q1 Automotive 4-Bit Unidirectional
Voltage-Level TranslatorsTXU0x04-Q1 are 4-bit, dual-supply noninverting fixed direction voltage level
translators. These devices are compatible to the TXB0104-Q1 with the same
pinout allowing for a drop in replacement. The OE pin can be referenced to
either VCCA or VCCB logic levels allowing for one of
the TXU0x04-Q1 devices to be used for fixed direction, high drive
applications which the TXB0104-Q1 is not recommended to support.
TXU0104-Q1TXU0104-Q1 is a 4-bit, dual-supply noninverting fixed direction voltage
level translators with all 4 channels in the same direction commonly used
for GPIO translation.
Figure 5-1 TXU0104-Q1 Functional Block Diagram
TXU0204-Q1TXU0204-Q1 is a 4-bit, dual-supply noninverting fixed direction voltage
level translators with 2 channels in the opposing direction commonly used
for GPIO, UART, and JTAG translation.